Dark Reading Launches Security Survey

Study seeks to find out your attitudes on a wide variety of security issues

Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading

September 12, 2008

1 Min Read

Dear Readers:

Nearly every day here at Dark Reading, somebody tries to tell us what's in your heads. "Security managers want X," says one vendor. "Security professionals are worried about Y," says an industry analyst. "The biggest threat to enterprises is Z," says a security researcher.

We're tired of people telling us what you think. So we've decided to ask you directly.

Over the next few weeks, we'll be conducting the Dark Reading "What Keeps Security People Awake at Night" survey. It's a relatively short, fun survey that asks about your priorities, your attitudes, and your concerns. It's designed to take your pulse. We'll report on the results in a news story next month.

Please find a few minutes to participate in our survey right now or sometime in the next week, if you possibly can. It will not only help us to develop an interesting story, but it will also help us shape our news coverage down the road.

We know what others think is on your mind. Now we want to hear it from you. Thanks for your help.

— Tim Wilson, Site Editor, Dark Reading

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Dark Reading Staff

Dark Reading

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