Securent Unveils Guidelines

Securent unveils guidelines for centralizing control and visibility of entitlement management across enterprise and remote office applications

Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading

November 1, 2007

1 Min Read

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. -- Securent, Inc., the leader in Entitlement Management, today addressed the move by large enterprises to globalize their IT infrastructures by offering tools that centralize control and visibility of fine-grained application entitlements for distributed applications and databases. An ongoing challenge in executing centrally managed entitlement management are issues associated with managing the 'islands of administration' created by the expansive list of applications deployed across distributed networks, each of which often have hard-coding security policies. Solving this problem, the Securent Entitlement Management SolutionT (EMS) brings consistency and visibility to environments with widely distributed IT assets.

Most enterprise application, collaboration, messaging, database, server, or networking resources are managed independently and have their own proprietary methods for creating, enforcing, and auditing entitlements. These independently managed silos of policy determine who is entitled to access the data, to perform which application functions, and in what context.

However, these islands of administration offer little or no consistency or visibility into the access privileges of users, resulting in significantly weaker security policy enforcement, management, and remediation. This is a cascade of issues that results in weaker governance and compliance. Securent has developed an innovative system that can transform how enterprises manage access to distributed application and data resources using the company's Entitlement Management Solution.


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Dark Reading Staff

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