Richard Hancock

Richard Hancock

Group Data Protection Officer, GlobalSign

Richard Hancock is Group Data Protection Officer of GlobalSign, where he utilizes a strong technical background to provide clear and practical steer and guidance in addressing problems with a long, proven track record of creating, implementing, managing and reviewing data protection programs and framework, aligning with industry standards, and meeting a plethora of ever changing, culturally different global legislative landscapes. He spent many years helping enterprises implement PKI solutions, ranging from 1 or 2 SSL certificates through to custom-written API modules for automated process handling. Over the past decade, he has used that skill set to develop and implement data governance regime and data protection legislation compliance, encompassing not just General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ePrivacy but also many domestic laws, as well as both federal and state level regulations within the US. He continues to lead the way in strategic thinking and best practice deployment in the identity verification, digital signing, and data encryption sector.

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