Jim Gordon

GM, Ecosystem Strategy & Business Development, Intel Platform Security Division

Jim Gordon is an Intel veteran of 20+ years and has held a variety of roles over this time. Most notably he served 3.5 years as chief of staff and technical assistant to Intel's then president Renée James.  He currently is GM of Ecosystem & Business Development, Intel's Platform Security Group.  He holds a BS in economics from the University of California at Davis as well as an MBA from Purdue University.  Jim is also a self-motivated and active contributor to diversity and inclusion (D&I) efforts at Intel specifically and in general across tech – even though he does not work and has never worked in HR.  For Intel in D&I, he has served as a top leader in its internal "Inclusive Leaders" program – a program dedicated to engaging, training, activating and supporting those influential "male majority" business leaders to take responsibility for and take proactive actions towards full inclusion.

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