Ari Singer
CTO at TrustPhi
Ari Singer, CTO at TrustiPhi and long-time security architect with over 20 years in the trusted computing space, is former chair of the IEEE P1363 working group and acted as security editor/author of IEEE 802.15.3, IEEE 802.15.4, and EESS #1. He chaired the Trusted Computing Group's TPM work group and the TPM Software Stack (TSS) working group. A key contributor to the TPM 1.2 and 2.0 specifications, he also led teams that developed multiple TSS and TPM firmware implementations and TPM-enabled applications. Singer supported the Department of Defense's High Assurance Platform (HAP) Program, and was technical lead for the DoD's educational outreach to the commercial sector on trusted computing strategy. Singer has helped enable industry leaders such as Microsoft, Intel, Dell, Broadcom, and Atmel to deploy Trusted Computing technologies. Singer holds six US patents and helped define widgets that have shipped in over a billion devices.