US-CERT Cautions Against Phishing Scams In Aftermath Of Hurricane Matthew

The government agency for cyber protection provides steps to follow before opening links or attachments with Hurricane Matthew tag.

Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading

October 12, 2016

1 Min Read

A warning has been issued by the US Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) regarding phishing and malware attacks carried out by miscreants seeking to capitalize on the situation in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, which devastated Haiti and tore through the Southeastern US last week.

The agency has advised users to be cautious about emails often seen after a natural disaster, particularly those coming from genuine-appearing charity organizations.

US-CERT has enlisted preventative measures in a release on its site for phishing scams and malware infections. It advises users observe extra care when opening attachments because these could take the user to infected sites, and advises not to click on unfamiliar links. The US-CERT advisory also points to a Better Business Bureau resource that includes trusted contact information for many charities.  

Read full advisory here.  

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Dark Reading Staff

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