Simplicita Partners With Yahoo

Simplicita announced an agreement with Yahoo! to provide ISPs with an automated system implementing protection and improving navigation

Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading

March 26, 2007

1 Min Read

DENVER -- Simplicita today announced an agreement with Yahoo! to provide Internet Service Providers (ISPs) with an automated system that protects subscribers and improves navigation by replacing common browsing errors and phishing web sites with Yahoo! paid and algorithmic search results pages. The Simplicita NXD offering redirects users away from undesired error messages and potentially malicious web sites when they request a non-existent domain (NXD) or mistype a web address. Simplicita NXD is subscriber configurable, allowing an ISP's customers to opt-out of the service and set their personal preferences.

ISPs can choose to further enhance subscriber safety by combining on a single platform the Simplicita NXD offering with Simplicita's ZBX botnet security system. ZBX automatically identifies and quarantines infected subscriber computers, alerts the affected subscribers, and provides remediation tools to remove malicious software.

System Generates Revenues for ISPs Without Any Up-Front Investment

Simplicita has pre-integrated its Simplicita NXD solution with Yahoo! paid and algorithmic search results to provide ISPs with a complete subscriber safety and convenience solution that generates incremental revenue and profit without any investment by the carrier. ISPs receive revenue when their subscribers click on clearly-labeled sponsored links presented along with unpaid algorithmic web search results generated in response to web name errors.

"With the growing botnet problem, protecting Internet users from visiting potentially malicious sites is a win-win for consumers and ISPs," said Danny Winokur, vice president of business development for Simplicita. "Best of all, Simplicita NXD with Yahoo! Search results pages requires no capital investment by carriers and imposes no new fees on subscribers."

Simplicita Software Inc.

Yahoo Inc. (Nasdaq: YHOO)

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Dark Reading Staff

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