SEALs, Spies, Security, Celebrity: Suits And Spooks Anti-Conference Comes To Los AngelesSEALs, Spies, Security, Celebrity: Suits And Spooks Anti-Conference Comes To Los Angeles
Third conference brings together individuals from the U.S. intelligence community with innovative thinkers from a wide variety of disciplines
May 17, 2012
LOS ANGELES, May 1, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- When the largest security companies in the world (RSA and Symantec) have had their own source code stolen by hackers, it's time to recognize that our present security model is outdated and broken. When George Clooney's Satellite Sentinel Project brought together six disparate groups that had never worked together before and accomplished in the Sudan what no else had in just 60 days, its time to re-define what "power" is.
At the upcoming Suits and Spooks Anti-Conference in Los Angeles, Jonathan Hutson from the Enough Project will explain how Clooney and John Prendergast are documenting the atrocities in the Sudan by using private spy satellites and volunteer geospatial intelligence analysts. Robert DuBois, a retired Navy SEAL, will discuss how and why he advises governments to use "smart power" before hard power. Matt Brazil, a former U.S. embassy commercial officer in Beijing, will show executives how to survive in China without losing all of their secrets. Jim Hake will discuss how NGOs and the U.S. military can work together in the worst problem spots on earth (Afghanistan, Central Asia, Africa).
All of these speakers and more will converge at the Bel Air Bay Club on June 29th for a day of frank discussions and problem solving at Taia Global's third Suits and Spooks Anti-conference, co-sponsored by the Pacific Council on International Policy. The purpose of Suits and Spooks is to bring together individuals from the U.S. intelligence community with innovative thinkers from a wide variety of disciplines to address hard challenges in the national security space.
Attendance is open to the general public but is limited to 120 people. For more information and registration, visit
"Suits and Spooks" is the creation of Jeffrey Carr, author of "Inside Cyber Warfare" and founder/CEO of executive cyberprotection firm Taia Global, Inc. -
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