RSA Unveils Risk Management Solution

RSA announces information risk management solution for the financial services industry

Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading

October 3, 2007

1 Min Read

BEDFORD, Mass. -- RSA, The Security Division of EMC (NYSE: EMC), today unveiled its solution for Information Risk Management for financial services organizations worldwide.

Information Risk Management is defined as a strong process that follows the information within a financial institution -- revealing where the risks lie to present a holistic view of risk related to information across the enterprise. By implementing an Information Risk Management solution using RSA and EMC technologies, new services, best practices and strategic partner ecosystem, financial institutions can more aggressively address business challenges and explore new markets, partnerships, business models and innovations with greater confidence.

Information Risk Management

Information carries both value and risk, and can be exposed to threats throughout its lifecycle. Information Risk Management is engineered to provide effective means of recognizing, assessing and mitigating the risks that information is exposed to throughout its lifecycle - no matter where it moves, who accesses it or how it is used.

"Taking an integrated approach to information risk management for the enterprise means moving beyond the inconsistent and reactive manner in which many financial institutions address risk," said Rod Nelsestuen, senior analyst, Financial Strategies and IT Investments, TowerGroup. "Reputation and brand image are put at risk when security fails and information is lost, stolen, or misused. Practicing a holistic approach to security and information risk assures that business information contributes to achieving marketplace and business goals, maintaining a customer and business focus, and building market confidence. In short, information security policy, practices, and technologies that provide a defense for information also can support the business's offensive strategy."

RSA Security Inc. (Nasdaq: EMC)

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