Project Basecamp Releases New Metasploit Exploit ModulesProject Basecamp Releases New Metasploit Exploit Modules
Includes Stuxnet-type exploit module for popular Schneider PLC
April 9, 2012
Digital Bond has released three new Project Basecamp Metasploit Modules that exploit vulnerable PLC's used in critical infrastructure SCADA and DCS. These modules make demonstrating the ease of compromise and potential catastrophic impact possible for owner/operators, vendors, consultants or anyone else involved in SCADA and other industrial control systems (ICS). C-level executives running the critical infrastructure will see and know beyond any doubt the fragility and insecurity of these devices. The "modiconstux" module implements a Stuxnet-type attack on a Schneider Modicon Quantum PLC. Stuxnet uploaded rogue ladder logic (software programs) to a Siemens S7 PLC to cause the centrifuges at the Iranian Natanz nuclear facility to spin too fast and to hide this action from operators. The modiconstux module performs two similar actions:
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