Oakley Combines User Monitoring, ForensicsOakley Combines User Monitoring, Forensics
Oakley Networks SureView 5.0 integrates network and desktop insider threat detection and remediation

SALT LAKE CITY -- Oakley Networks, Inc., today announced the availability of SureView™ 5.0, the only solution for insider risk management that combines enterprise monitoring---sophisticated detection of ‘leading indicators’ of potentially harmful behavior---with powerful incident reconstruction and forensics tools for investigating serious breaches and policy violations. SureView 5.0 mitigates insider threats such as accidental information leaks, deliberate data theft, electronic fraud, exploitation by privileged users and employee conduct liability - both on the network and at the end point. And only Oakley also extends protection to monitor offline users and content within encrypted transmissions.
Since many companies don’t have detailed visibility into their insider risk, hundreds of pre-built SureView 5.0 policies can be deployed to immediately to measure and analyze incident volumes and behavior trends around key assets and compliance issues. By analyzing selected incidents in detail, companies can intelligently remediate less serious policy violations---such as excessive mobile storage use, careless handling of customer data, or inappropriate use of encryption--with focused training, improved policies, and--new in 5.0---on-screen user prompting and outbound e-mail routing and quarantine.
Serious violations, such as deliberate IP leakage, customer data theft, or corporate sabotage attempts, are escalated for case management leveraging Oakley’s advanced incident investigations and forensics tools. Patent-pending SureView Replay™ gives investigators full, DVR-like context around each incident so they can quickly take appropriate action. Oakley’s unified policy engine---also new in 5.0---means threat protection is extended automatically for both network and desktop events, without managing two separate systems.
"SureView 5.0 is a proactive approach to insider risk management," said Derek Smith, CEO of Oakley Networks. “Enterprise monitoring for leading indicators allows them to get out in front of malicious insiders intent on doing harm, while protecting the clear majority of well intentioned employees from doing bad things by accident, or from bending the rules due to external constraints. If they do find someone deliberately putting core assets at risk, they can mine additional activities and events that allow them to conduct very focused investigations, and get to the root of the problem immediately.”
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