ICASI, Verizon Partner To Address Active X Vulnerabilities
Pair to offer a scanning service to aid developers in identifying potential vulnerabilities in ActiveX controls and components built with Microsoft's Active Template Libraries
July 30, 2009
WAKEFIELD, Mass. " July 28, 2009 " The Industry Consortium for Advancement of Security on the Internet (ICASI: http://www.icasi.org) today announced it is collaborating with Verizon Business to offer a scanning service to aid developers in identifying potential vulnerabilities in ActiveX controls and components built with Microsoft's Active Template Libraries (ATL). Members are working together via the ICASI Unified Security Incident Response Plan (USIRP) to help drive a community-based response to this complex issue. ICASI is a trusted forum through which global IT vendors work together to address complex security risks. The ICASI USIRP provides the processes, procedures and tools that enable ICASI's global members to collaborate more effectively in the analysis, mitigation, and resolution of complex security challenges. Because resources such as ATL can be implemented by multiple applications from multiple vendors, resolving associated issues requires broad collaboration. ICASI is uniquely positioned to leverage the collective expertise of its membership to identify and address such challenges, as it draws its membership from the world's IT leaders and its USIRP harmonizes their response activities. Verizon Business, a global security services provider, shared its expertise tobuild a service at no charge that helps developers identify potential ATL-related vulnerabilities. Developers are encouraged to visit the ICASI Web site to find information on the service. Information can also be found at http://codetest.verizonbusiness.com with full details of the scan service. "Vulnerabilities in libraries are a rare but far-reaching issue that can only be effectively resolved through the close multi-vendor collaboration that ICASI makes possible," said Linda Betz, president of ICASI. "The framework of the USIRP and the cooperation of our members enabled us to reach beyond ICASI to quickly collaborate and make a service available so developers could identify potential vulnerabilities." "This is a different kind of security event," said Dr. Peter Tippett, vice president of innovation and technology for Verizon Business. "It requires collaboration across vendors to ensure a safe framework for the Internet. Verizon Business is collaborating with ICASI to provide global security leadership to help ensure enterprises know what steps to take in addressing this issue."
The USIRP is one of the primary means by which ICASI fulfills its mission of enhancing the global security landscape. Comprising a trusted forum and supporting processes, procedures and tools, the USIRP enables Security Incident Response Teams (SIRTs) from ICASI member companies to collaborate quickly and effectively to resolve complex, multi-vendor security issues. These issues include: vulnerabilities in commonly-used software; incidents -- urgent or emergent -- that affect three or more ICASI member organizations; and ongoing or long-term problems that warrant a strategic response. The USIRP works by harmonizing ICASI member companies' internal security incident response procedures and personnel using a common and agreed-upon framework to trigger USIRP events; share critical information; and work together effectively on a coordinated response. More information on the USIRP can be found at: http://www.icasi.org/projects.htm. For more information on ICASI and the ATL vulnerability, visit: http://www.icasi.org/alerts.htm. About ICASI Founded in 2008 by Cisco, International Business Machines, Intel Corporation, Juniper Networks, and Microsoft Corp., ICASI provides a unique forum for global companies committed to proactively addressing complex, multi-product security threats and to better protecting enterprises, governments, and citizens, as well as the critical IT infrastructures that support them. For more information, visit http://www.icasi.org.
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