Frost & Sullivan: Criminal Hackers Run Huge Markets Of Information For Sale Upon Request

You may think you have never been hacked. . .you just have not realized it yet

June 25, 2013

2 Min Read


LONDON, June 25, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Frost & Sullivan has published an insight which discusses a number of recent hacks which could have disturbing consequences far into the future. Criminal hackers run huge markets of information for sale upon request, and that most people whose confidential information is on sale do not realise that they have been hacked in the first place.

It is shockingly easy for hackers to compromise someone's website. Businesses have been slow to realise that websites are not just websites. Businesses depend on them for survival. SMEs are just as vulnerable as large organisations, but they have often lacked the resources - and the focus - to protect themselves.

"However unpleasant the thought, we should never forget that criminal hackers are all about money," says Alexander Michael, Director of Consulting at Frost & Sullivan. "They are highly skilled and trained, and highly motivated by profit."

Fortunately, the information security industry is waking up to the particular challenge of providing, cost-effective and accurate solutions allowing SMEs to protect themselves against web vulnerabilities. Despite these very positive moves by the security vendors, cyber crime will always exist. Security needs to be an integrated part of everything we do - not an afterthought - and everybody must understand risk and change their behaviour accordingly.

"I have every reason to believe that criminal hackers are also skilled librarians, able to cash in on the seemingly worthless information stolen years ago, which becomes priceless when a person becomes famous," says Alexander Michael.

To read the insight, click here.

If you are interested in Frost & Sullivan's information security coverage, please contact [email protected], with your full contact details.

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