China Cybersecurity Firm Linked With Country’s Intel Agency For EspionageChina Cybersecurity Firm Linked With Country’s Intel Agency For Espionage

Boyusec is working with China’s intelligence services and military to doctor security products for spying, says Pentagon report.

Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading

December 1, 2016

1 Min Read
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An internal report by Pentagon Joint Staff J-2 intelligence officials has identified a Chinese cybersecurity firm as secretly working with China’s Ministry of State Security intel service and the military to produce security products allegedly designed to capture data.

The Washington Free Beacon quotes the Pentagon as saying the products are doctored by Boyusec before being loaded into Chinese-manufactured computer and telephone equipment. Boyusec and Huawei Technologies, the country’s telecom company which is reportedly close to its military, have teamed up for cyber espionage operations, according to the Pentagon.   

“If I were at the Pentagon or Cybercom, I would keep my eyes on Boyusec, and only blow the whistle on them if they were actively marketing services to U.S. companies,” former US State Department official John Tkacik told the Free Beacon.

A congressional report of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission earlier suggested China is now collecting intelligence data through cyberattacks and “shifting cyber espionage missions away from unofficial actors to centralize and professionalize these operations within its intelligence services.”

Read details here.

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