Average DDoS Attack Size Growing Dramatically In 2013, 2.7Gbps In JuneAverage DDoS Attack Size Growing Dramatically In 2013, 2.7Gbps In June
Findings from Arbor's Active Threat Level Analysis System show that DDoS continues to be a global threat
August 3, 2013

Arbor Networks Inc., a leading provider of network security and management solutions for enterprise and service provider networks, today released data on distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack trends for the first half of 2013. The data shows that DDoS continues to be a global threat, with a clear increase in attack size, speed and complexity.
"ATLAS gives us tremendous visibility end-to-end across the Internet," said Darren Anstee, Solutions Architect for Arbor Networks. "What we see on a daily basis is an escalation in the size, frequency and complexity of attacks. The resiliency of this attack vector is incredible, and with all of the tools available today that enable anyone to launch or participate in attacks, we don't see a slow down at all."
- Average Bits Per Second (BPS) attack size is up 43% so far this year, 46.5% of attacks now over 1Gbps, a jump of 13.5% from 2012
- Proportion of attacks in the 2 - 10Gbps range more than doubles, from 14.78% to 29.8%
- Proportion of attacks now over 10Gbps increased 41.6% YTD
- In the first half of 2013 we have seen more than double the TOTAL number of attacks over 20Gbps we saw in the whole of 2012!
KEY FINDINGS: Trending Down
- Attack durations are trending shorter, 86% now last less than one hour
- Packets Per Second (PPS) attacks sizes seem to be trending downward, reversing the strong growth trend seen in late 2011 and through 2012.
"The increasing volume of highly visible attacks, including a mix of politically motivated attacks, state-sponsored electronic warfare, social activism, organized crime, and good old fashioned pointless mischief and mayhem is being driven by the easy availability of bots/botnets for hire and easily distributed crowd-sourced attack tools," said Jeff Wilson, principal network security analyst with Infonetics Research.
World Leader in DDoS Prevention
Arbor Networks customers include the world's leading Internet service providers and many of the largest enterprise networks in use today. According to a report published in June 2013 from Infonetics Research titled, "DDoS Prevention Appliance Market Outlook," Arbor Networks was cited as top supplier of DDoS prevention solutions overall, as well as in the Carrier, Enterprise and Mobile market segments.
ATLAS® Overview
ATLAS (Active Threat Level Analysis System) is a truly innovative, one-of-a-kind Internet monitoring system. ATLAS is a collaborative effort with 270+ service providers who have agreed to share anonymous traffic data on an hourly basis with Arbor's Security Engineering & Response Team -- ASERT. This data, totaling 35Tbps, is enhanced by Arbor's global honeypot network of 45+ sensors in the dark, unused address space of provider customer networks. That information is aggregated, analyzed by our ASERT team and fed back to our customers in the form of attack signatures, via our product deployments. The network and security intelligence delivered via ATLAS gives Arbor customers a considerable competitive advantage because of the powerful combination of the micro view of their own network (via Arbor products) together with the macro view of global Internet traffic (via ATLAS). With this unique vantage point, Arbor is ideally positioned to deliver intelligence about DDoS, malware, exploits, phishing and botnets that threaten Internet infrastructure and services.
About Arbor Networks
Arbor Networks, Inc. is a leading provider of network security and management solutions for enterprise and service provider networks, including the world's leading Internet service providers and many of the largest enterprise networks in use today. Arbor's proven network security and management solutions help grow and protect customer networks, businesses and brands. Through its unparalleled, privileged relationships with worldwide service providers and global network operators, Arbor provides unequalled insight into and perspective on Internet security and traffic trends via the ATLAS®Active Threat Level Analysis System. Representing a unique collaborative effort with 270+ network operators across the globe, ATLAS enables the sharing of real-time security, traffic and routing information that informs numerous business decisions.
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