App Security Evaluated for Common Criteria

Application Security is under evaluation for Common Criteria certification through Science Applications International Corporation

Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading

June 26, 2007

1 Min Read

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Underscoring its leadership role in database security, Application Security, Inc. is in evaluation for Common Criteria certification for the current versions of its market-leading vulnerability assessment, real-time monitoring and auditing solutions, through the Accredited Testing and Evaluation Labs of Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) of Columbia, Md. As the industry’s only vendor with a full suite of products under evaluation, Application Security, Inc. continues to enhance its position as the most comprehensive and widely deployed database security solution on the market.

The pursuit of certification extends the Company’s momentum within the public sector by demonstrating compliance with stringent U.S. Government criteria and exacting International Standards Organization requirements.

The Common Criteria, officially instituted in 1999, is an internationally approved set of security standards that ensures a clear and reliable evaluation of the security capabilities of information technology products. By providing an independent assessment of a product’s ability to meet established security standards, the Common Criteria offers a level of confidence for security-conscious customers.

“In many ways, the federal government is a catalyst for innovation in the development of security best practices at the database application level,” said Ted Julian, vice president of marketing and strategy for Application Security, Inc. “With Common Criteria certification of Application Security, Inc.’s database security suite, a wide range of government agencies can more easily extend security best practices to the crown jewels – organization databases – thereby documenting continuous improvement and ensuring prompt incident response on the systems where data lives.”

Application Security Inc.

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Dark Reading Staff

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