Active Reasoning Tracks Risks

Active Reasoning's customer data demonstrates improved risk management in only eight weeks

Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading

March 12, 2007

1 Min Read

SAN MATEO, Calif. -- The results from a Fortune 500 evaluation show the frequency of authorized and unauthorized daily changes made across enterprise IT systems and applications is higher than most IT staff realize. Because changes vary in type and purpose, Active Reasoning, a leading provider of IT Governance Automation solutions, commenced 2007 with a monitoring initiative to observe changes made to its customers' IT infrastructures, comparing activity month-to-month. The data collected demonstrates the volatility of IT systems and reinforces the critical need for real-time change and activity monitoring tools.

Feedback from a national retail chain using Active Reasoning System 5 software to monitor its Oracle Financials system revealed significant progress over the January through February period. Out of the 23 changes made to the system in January, 14 were unauthorized, a disturbing 70 percent. Through the use of real-time change monitoring tools, this same company was able to report zero unauthorized changes in February. This positive shift enables a high level of confidence in risk management assuring improved security, reliability and compliance practices.

"The most important thing for companies to ensure is that all changes are identified as authorized or as unauthorized, and that unauthorized changes are not only detected, but immediately reported and repaired," said, Dave Di Lena, vice president of products at Active Reasoning. "Our customers are reporting strong results in their ability to manage change across mission-critical enterprise applications. This feedback reinforces the fact that all Fortune 500 companies can achieve comprehensive risk management progress through change monitoring initiatives and see results in as little as eight weeks."

Active Reasoning Inc.

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