Obama Launches Cyberthreat Intel-Sharing Center

Long-awaited central repository for cyber threat information and intelligence created by The White House.

Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading

February 11, 2015

1 Min Read

The concept of a federal government-led center for coordinating cyberthreat intelligence has been discussed by the Obama administration for some time, and that concept became a reality yesterday when the White House announced the formation of the Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center (CTIIC).

The new CTIIC, which falls under the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, will "analyze and integrate intelligence already collected" rather than gather new intel, Lisa Monaco, assistant to the president for homeland security and counterrorism, reportedly said yesterday. The center is aimed at supporting and providing a central repository for cyber threat information to better help government agencies and private companies stay atop the latest threats.

More details on the CTTIC can be found in this article by The Wall Street Journal and this article by The Federal Times. 


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Dark Reading Staff

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