Majority of Companies Lack Sufficient IoT Policy Enforcement Tools

Shortfall exists despite nearly all global technology enterprise companies having security policies to manage IoT devices.

Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading

January 12, 2018

1 Min Read

A global survey of infosec decision-makers found 92% of respondents have security policies to manage IoT devices, yet 53% lack sufficient tools to enforce the policies, according to a Forrester Research report.

Ten percent of the 3,378 survey respondents lacked any tools at all to enforce the policies, Forrester's State of IoT Security 2018 report found.

The top three challenges in implementing IoT security, according to respondents, included privacy issues, integration hurdles, and migration or installation risks, Forrester reports.

For those survey respondents who implemented IoT applications, 43% launched intelligent customer service apps, 41% smart product apps, and 37% inventory management or warehouse management apps.

Read more about the Forrester Report here.

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Dark Reading Staff

Dark Reading

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