6 Security Tips That'll Keep the Summer Fun6 Security Tips That'll Keep the Summer Fun
Taking some time off this summer? Before you head out on vacation, make sure your devices and apps are also ready.
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Summer has arrived and it's time for a vacation — but don't forget that hackers are lurking, just waiting for you to let your guard down.
Plenty of people do, says McAfee, which in a recent blog reported that 42% of Americans either do not check the security of their Internet connections or they willingly connect to an unsecured network while traveling.
Gary Davis, chief consumer security strategist at McAfee, adds that nearly two in five Americans have been putting companies at risk of cyberattacks because they connect their work devices to unsecure Wi-Fi networks while traveling.
As always, common sense will go a long way toward staying safe while on the road. Here are six tips that will keep you safe and worry-free when you're ready to take some well-deserved time off.
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