BlackCat Trolls Western Digital With Leaked Response Meeting ImageBlackCat Trolls Western Digital With Leaked Response Meeting Image

The ransomware group adds in personal insults to ratchet up pressure on Western Digital threat hunters.

Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading

May 1, 2023

1 Min Read
Western Digital storage device
Source: studiomode via Alamy

The ransomware actor–threat hunter relationship just got extremely personal.

The BlackCat gang decided to add the professional reputations of the Western Digital cyber-incident response team to the hit list when it hacked into its early morning videoconference convened to discuss the recent ransomware attack against the company. The ransomware group then posted a screen capture of the meeting online.

The response team meeting image, with faces blurred, was shared by cyber researcher Dominic Alvieri on Twitter. Alvieri called the meeting leak a "black eye for Western Digital," in his tweet.

Along with the image of the team meeting, BlackCat added a caption sarcastically referring to the team as "the finest threat hunters Western Digital has to offer."

Western Digital, a digital storage device manufacturer, reported that its systems were compromised on March 26. According to reports, the company was negotiating an eight-figure ransomware payment.

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Dark Reading Staff

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