Sandata Enhances Fraud Prevention CapabilitiesSandata Enhances Fraud Prevention Capabilities

PerSay's VocalPassword to integrate with Santrax for home healthcare services

December 4, 2009

4 Min Read


PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y., Dec. 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Sandata Technologies, Inc., the leading nationwide provider of information technology solutions to home healthcare and social services communities, announced today the launch of its second generation speaker verification tool and selection of PerSay as its new technology partner to provide the voice biometric engine for Santrax.

Santrax is Sandata's patented time and attendance product and the nation's number one telephone and web-based field management solution, delivering accurate real-time visit information on demand. Santrax is available as a standalone product, or as a component embedded in Sandata's comprehensive operational home care management software, nHome, and its jurisdictional view dashboard for Governments, Managed Care Organizations and other payors, Integricare. Santrax enables home care agencies to automatically verify that their staff is in the right place at the right time and capture tasks being performed, ensuring agencies are compliant with the prescribed plan of care and that patients are receiving the highest quality of care. PerSay's VocalPassword (TM) enables Santrax customers to validate the identity of field employees using a precise biometric based multi-factor authentication process, whether they utilize a landline or mobile telephone. Voice Biometrics component enhances reporting reliability and helps prevent Time and Attendance fraud. Sandata's patented ANI technology combined with voice biometrics make Santrax the most robust package of verification and compliance tools available for organizations that deliver home health care and other human services, including child welfare, foster care, early intervention, and preventive services, outside of a traditional office setting.

Sandata selected PerSay's VocalPassword(TM) following a rigorous and competitive selection process. VocalPassword demonstrated exceptional accuracy and ease of deployment. Sandata was also impressed with its Language and accent independency, security, and powerful administration tools.

"We are delighted to partner with the PerSay team to enhance Sandata's voice biometric capabilities," said Philip Passantino, President and COO of Sandata Technologies. "Sandata is continuously striving to develop better tools that help our customers improve the quality, productivity and compliance of their staff. Time and Attendance fraud is a major concern to our customers and PerSay's technology will help us further mitigate this concern. As Sandata rolls out its newest web-based products, such as nHome 5.0, we believe the improved voice biometric capability is yet another feature that sets our products apart from our competition."

Sandata customers have expressed enthusiasm for speaker verification and are embracing the enhanced Santrax functionality. Marki Flannery, President of Partners in Care, located in New York City and one of Sandata's largest customers stated, "Speaker verification is another important tool helping us to ensure that our patients are getting the proper care and service they need. Sandata's solution has proven to be a simple, accurate and effective way to ensure that our home health aides are at work." Susan Brett, Senior Vice President of People Care, another New York-based customer also complimented the technology, stating that "Sandata's technology is easy to use and is sensitive enough to correctly identify the speaker. We are very pleased with this new technological advancement in the home care area."

Ariel Freidenberg, Executive Vice President, Global Sales and Business Development at PerSay stated "We are proud to be chosen by Sandata Technologies, a leader delivering technology solutions to the home care and social services industries." "Our exclusive focus and consistent investment in developing core Voice Biometrics technology and related products that address diversified needs have lead to a clear technological advantage which is appreciated by customers and partners". Totally language and accent independent, VocalPassword(TM) seamlessly integrates with existing VoiceXML platforms. By verifying a caller's identity in real-time using a simple spoken passphrase, VocalPassword(TM) provides a convenient and secure method for validating speaker identity. Designed exclusively to meet strict global security standards, PerSay VocalPassword(TM) services millions of customers around the globe.

About Sandata Technologies, Inc.

Sandata Technologies provides a complete package of information technology solutions, which includes scheduling, time and attendance, billing, payroll, compliance and clinical applications, for the home healthcare and social services communities. This comprehensive information technology offering enables companies and organizations with remote workforces the ability to realize administrative cost savings, streamlined operational procedures, and significantly reduced paperwork burdens. Sandata has over 1,000 customers in 47 states and processes over 80 million telephone calls annually. Sandata services customers through its four data centers located across the country with state-of-the-art redundancy and disaster recovery capabilities. For additional information about Sandata Technologies, please visit:

About PerSay

PerSay Ltd. ( is a leading provider of advanced biometric speaker verification products. PerSay's technology relies on the biometric power of voice to verify a speaker's identity. PerSay's products have been deployed by leading financial services, telecom operators, healthcare providers, enterprises and law enforcement agencies worldwide. PerSay is a spin-off of Verint Systems Inc., with offices in Tel Aviv and New York, and a network of partners and system integrators worldwide.

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