DDI Announces Breakthrough Vulnerability Scanning TechnologyDDI Announces Breakthrough Vulnerability Scanning Technology

DDI delivers the Frontline Solutions Platform as a SaaS automated service

February 14, 2011

2 Min Read


San Antonio, TX – February 14, 2011 – Digital Defense, Inc. (DDI), a leading provider of information security governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) solutions, today announced they have released a new vulnerability scanner for the Frontline™ Solutions Platform (FSP). DDI delivers the FSP as a SaaS (Software as a Service) automated service, which proactively identifies security vulnerabilities, evaluates priorities and tracks risk reduction activities. The new scanner is faster, more efficient, uses fewer client resources, and has the ability to be deployed virtually.

“We are currently phasing in DDI’s new scanner,” said Bill Welch, Senior Director of IT Security at CA Technologies. “The results we see to date indicate an ability to scan our global network for security vulnerabilities more quickly and efficiently. A key security objective is to reduce cyber risk in our business, and the faster scanning will help us to be even more effective with that element of our information security program.”

“We are excited about our new cutting edge technology,” explained Gordon MacKay, CTO and EVP of Technology of Digital Defense. “It utilizes fewer client resources, and is also many times faster than previous generation scanners, allowing large enterprises to scan their networks in much less time, all without compromising the comprehensiveness of the vulnerabilities discovered. Existing clients are enjoying the benefits of the new scanner via a seamless software upgrade of the existing appliance, which they previously deployed for our service. New clients can order the new scanning engine in the traditional form of an appliance or also as a virtualized image. The virtualized scanner has been developed in response to our many clients’ green initiatives, where they are striving to minimize the amount of additional hardware in their enterprise and improve their carbon footprints either by internal IT platform consolidation or outsourcing certain applications to hosting providers.”

Clients will access this latest release via the Frontline Client Portal in order to retrieve real time reports, schedule scans, track remediation activities, and export results to third party applications via a Service Oriented Architecture Application Programming Interface (SOA-API). In addition to the benefits of using the Frontline service which supports OVAL interoperability, clients avail themselves of a security solution provider that is a five time PCI-ASV (Payment Card Industry-Approved Scanning Vendor) and has received SCAP validation twice, which speaks to their adherence to industry standards.

About Digital Defense Digital Defense, Inc. (DDI) is a leading provider of security governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) solutions. The company provides managed and client-directed security GRC services directly and through its business partners to organizations of all sizes and industry types. DDI clients enjoy greater visibility and management insight of their enterprise-wide GRC programs using DDI’s proprietary Software as a Service (SaaS) delivery platforms and assessment tools. For more information about Digital Defense, please visit our web site at www.ddifrontline.com or contact us at 888.273.1412.

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