German Government, Airports, Banks Hit With Killnet DDoS Attacks

After Berlin pledged tanks for Ukraine, some German websites were knocked offline temporarily by Killnet DDoS attacks.

Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading

January 26, 2023

1 Min Read
Wind-up robot toys over Russian flag background
Source: Marcus Harrison via Alamy Stock Photo

After Berlin agreed to send its advanced Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, Russia-backed threat group Killnet retaliated with DDoS attacks aimed at Germany's government, banking, and airport sites.

Germany's BSI federal agency, which oversees information security, said the attacks caused some small outages, but otherwise did little damage.

"Currently, some websites are not accessible," the BSI said in a statement to Reuters. "There are currently no indications of direct effects on the respective service and, according to the BSI's assessment, these are not to be expected if the usual protective measures are taken."

Last fall Killnet was behind similar DDoS attacks against US airports last fall and has been escalating its nefarious cyber activities throughout Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

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