Intermedia AppID™ Enterprise Increases Security and Improves User Experience with a New Password Management SolutionIntermedia AppID™ Enterprise Increases Security and Improves User Experience with a New Password Management Solution

Intermedia AppID Enterprise implements Dynamic Password Management to reduce human interaction with web application passwords

March 12, 2015

2 Min Read


Reading, UK 11 March 2015 – As the number of high-profile companies falling victim to large-scale security breaches continue to rise, with many involving the theft or cracking of user or administrator passwords, the need for businesses to secure themselves against potential cyber-attacks has never been more important.  With this dilemma in mind, Intermedia has released “Dynamic Password Management” as part of its Intermedia AppID™ Enterprise solution to completely change the way business users treat passwords by helping to minimize human involvement in password selection and change.

While password management and Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions are not a new concept in businesses, Dynamic Password Management is a major step forward in that it removes time-consuming password management functions from both the end-user and the administrator. By automating password interaction, the solution takes over password selection and management for web applications, selected by the user, to ensure that application passwords are long, strong and unique across every selected account. Dynamic Password Management is delivered server side for stability and scale rather than the more fragile approach of initiating password change tasks from the browser on a device. A full workflow and event viewer provides Intermedia AppID administrators with increased visibility and control with audit, test and roll-back functions.

"Passwords are not inherently insecure, it’s people selecting weak, easy to remember passwords that are the problem,” said Richard Walters, General Manager and Vice President of Identity and Access Management (IAM) at Intermedia. “Dynamic Password Management automates password changes and immediately replaces weak user-created values with passwords that are distinct across every account.”

Intermedia AppID Enterprise will be exhibiting at the world's largest cloud event, Cloud Expo Europe 2015, on March 11-12, 2015 in London. Come visit us at booth 246.


About Intermedia AppID Enterprise:

As companies embrace the Cloud, the number of web applications in your IT environment quickly adds up—and quickly overwhelms IT’s ability to ensure data security, manage costs and maintain control. Intermedia AppID™ Enterprise is a comprehensive platform for cloud application management that goes beyond Single Sign-On (SSO) and helps companies reduce risk, improve data security, achieve compliance and increase productivity and control.


About Intermedia:

Intermedia is a one-stop shop for cloud business applications. Its Office in the Cloud™ suite integrates the essential IT services that companies need to do business, including identity and access management, email, voice, file syncing and sharing, conferencing, instant messaging, mobility, security and archiving. Office in the Cloud goes beyond unified communications to encompass a wide breadth of fundamental IT services, delivered by a single provider. Intermedia serves over 60,000 businesses and has more than 5,000 active partners, including VARs, MSPs, telcos and cable companies.

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