Verisign Unveils Uptime Bundle For DDoS, Managed DNS, And Threat Intelligence In The CloudVerisign Unveils Uptime Bundle For DDoS, Managed DNS, And Threat Intelligence In The Cloud
Three bundled cloud-based services help improve the performance, security, and availability of websites, email, and critical network services
March 29, 2011

Dulles, VA – March 28, 2011 – VeriSign, Inc. (NASDAQ: VRSN), the trusted provider of Internet infrastructure services for the networked world, today unveiled the Verisign Uptime Bundle, a new service bundle that combines protection from Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks with Verisign’s unparalleled Domain Name System (DNS) hosting, and threat intelligence services – all in one competitively priced solution.
Together, the three bundled cloud-based services help improve the performance, security and availability of websites, email, and critical network services. The Verisign Uptime Bundle is designed to minimize costly downtime for some of the most likely targets of malicious attacks, including online retailers, financial services firms, providers of cloud-based solutions and hosted applications, media and content providers, and online advertising and entertainment companies.
“Businesses can no longer rely on a single line of defense to ensure the availability of web sites and applications under all conditions,” said Ben Petro, senior vice president of the Verisign Network Intelligence and Availability business. “Our multi-layered solution offers the best way to detect and disarm an attack before substantial losses occur. With the Verisign Uptime Bundle, we’re making it easier to maintain availability with world-class services at a price that many competitors charge for DNS hosting alone.”
The Verisign Uptime Bundle combines three proven offerings:
Verisign Managed DNS is a cloud-based hosting service that helps improve the availability of Web-based systems by delivering DNS resolution with a 100% SLA.
Verisign Internet Defense Network (VIDN) provides comprehensive protection from DDoS attacks by detecting and filtering malicious traffic before it reaches your network.
Verisign iDefense Security Intelligence Services offers 24/7 access to accurate and actionable cyber intelligence related to vulnerabilities, malicious code and global threats.
The Verisign Uptime Bundle features four pricing and service packages to meet the needs of a wide variety of organizations. All four packages provide mitigation for two DDoS attacks of varying sizes annually and access to real-time email updates from iDefense about high-severity security risks. Available from just $495 per month – what many providers charge for hosted DNS service alone – the base package supports 100 domains, 1,000 resource records and up to 50 million DNS queries per month. Larger organizations can maintain up to 5,000 domains, 50,000 resource records and 1 billion DNS queries with the Uptime Elite package. This package also includes full access to public vulnerability information from iDefense for up to three users. In an effort to help customers avoid costs that are unexpected and difficult to predict, Verisign will not apply overage fees unless package limits are exceeded for more than three consecutive months or are five times the limits in any one month during the term of the service contract.
Businesses protected by the Verisign suite can count on the infrastructure and expertise that comes from operating a global, high-availability network with operational accuracy and stability 100% of the time for more than 12 years.
For more information on the Verisign Uptime Bundle, attend the free webinar on Wed., March 30, 2011 at 2 pm ET: Improve Performance and Reduce Downtime with The Verisign Uptime Bundle
About Verisign
VeriSign, Inc. (NASDAQ: VRSN) is the trusted provider of Internet infrastructure services for the networked world. Billions of times each day, Verisign helps companies and consumers all over the world to connect online with confidence. Additional news and information about the company is available at
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