Startup DayZero Systems Comes Out Of Stealth ModeStartup DayZero Systems Comes Out Of Stealth Mode
Releases SigFree Software Development Kit to create new and proactive malware detection programs
March 9, 2010
HERSHEY, Pa., March 4 /PRNewswire/ -- Startup DayZero Systems Inc.
( has emerged from stealth mode and just released its SigFree(TM)Software Development Kit.
Whether you're an Internet Security Suite Vendor like a Symantec, a large enterprise or institution like a JP Morgan, a Communications Systems Provider like Cisco, an Integrator with Customers needing improved threat management protection, or an independent, entrepreneurial developer - with the SigFree(TM) SDK you are able to create new and proactive malware detection programs, or integrate SigFree(TM) into your existing Threat Management Suite, for true proactive Zero Day protection.
SigFree(TM) is signature free, does not rely on string matching, and does not slow down the host system. SigFree(TM) detects executable code in data packets or in memory and defeats obfuscation and self-modification techniques. Your imagination and skill is the limit but you can use the SigFree(TM) SDK for Web Server Protection, Firewalls, End Point Protection, Memory Analysis, Browser Protection, and much, much more. With SigFree(TM), you will detect malware you could never detect by other means.
The SigFree(TM) SDK comes with everything you need to build your application - our SigFree(TM)engine, a thorough Developers guide with detailed API documentation, and sample code and demo apps in multiple languages. You'll also find case studies on Browser and Web Server Protection and Memory Analysis, with performance results, at
A trial version of SigFree(TM) SDK 1.0 for Windows is available for download from The Linux version is also available for licensing for large scale applications (
About DayZero Systems:
DayZero is the home of tomorrow's proactive Internet security systems - technology founded on the principle of identifying previously unknown malicious attacks and content, and neutralizing them. DayZero Systems offers Customers a compelling value proposition by providing true 'ZERO DAY' protection at costs comparable to traditional Internet protection methods. DayZero is a Gran Sasso Ventures LP portfolio company. SigFree(TM)is one of DayZero's premier technologies ( and the SigFree(TM) SDK is DayZero's first product release.
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