SIA Launching Field Studies For Physical Security, Security Project ManagementSIA Launching Field Studies For Physical Security, Security Project Management
Security Industry Association seeks participation from security professionals
December 22, 2009

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - The Security Industry Association (SIA) has commissioned its first field studies of the Physical Security Body of Knowledge and the Security Project Management Body of Knowledge, and is seeking the assistance of security professionals.
Between now and Jan. 21, the SIA Education Department will compile as large a list as possible of people in the security industry who want to provide their points of view and information about the skills and knowledge necessary to do their work or supervise others. On Feb. 2, all of those people on the list will receive the study in an e-mail.
This massive effort started in August 2008 with a conference of thought leaders in the security industry. It progressed to the formation of three industry forums about a year ago that involved more leaders, managers and entrepreneurs in the industry. They further narrowed the conversation to the most necessary and valued roles and occupations in the field.
Those who are interested are asked to e-mail SIA by Jan. 21 at [email protected] to request the Physical Security Field Study or at [email protected] to participate in the Security Project Management Field Study.
"The success of these studies depends on broad participation," SIA Director of Education Arminda Valles-Hall said. "We hope to have many people join us in what we think will be two exciting, productive and highly informative projects."
The Security Industry Association ( is the leading trade group for businesses in the electronic and physical security market. SIA protects and advances its members' interests by advocating pro-industry policies and legislation on Capitol Hill and throughout the 50 states; producing cutting-edge global market research; creating open industry standards that enable integration; advancing industry professionalism through education and training; opening global market opportunities; and providing sole sponsorship of the ISC Expos, the world's largest security trade shows and conferences.
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