nCircle Announces Benchmark Adapters For Qualys And Rapid7nCircle Announces Benchmark Adapters For Qualys And Rapid7

nCircle Benchmark Metrics Packs deliver prepackaged field tested metrics and scorecards

March 26, 2011

3 Min Read


SAN FRANCISCO—March 24, 2011— nCircle, the leader in automated security and compliance auditing solutions, today announced a significant expansion to its nCircle Benchmark Vulnerability Management Metrics Pack with the delivery of native support for Qualys Qualysguard and Rapid7 NeXpose. nCircle Benchmark is the world’s first cloud-based security and compliance benchmarking service that enables organizations to compare the performance of their entire IT security ecosystem against their own goals and industry peers.

Native support for Qualysguard and NeXpose is enabled through nCircle’s data adapter technology. Data adapters transform the raw data provided by vulnerability management products into useful metrics and powerful key performance indicators that enable users to quickly assess their compliance and risk posture and compare the results to their peers.

nCircle Benchmark Metrics Packs deliver pre-packaged field tested metrics and scorecards that deliver complete visibility across multiple-vendor security and compliance solutions. The metrics and scorecards show at-a-glance IT investment performance. Each Metrics Pack provides a comprehensive set of relevant metrics and scorecards for a specific security discipline.

nCircle Benchmark offers a broad range of Metrics Packs. Vulnerability Management and Configuration Auditing Basic, Standard and Premium Metrics Packs and Antivirus and Endpoint Protection Basic Metrics Pack are available now. Additional Metrics Packs for Identity and Access Management, Patch Management, Endpoint Encryption, Event Management and Incident Response and Network Protection will be available soon.

Each Metric Pack is delivered in four editions: Basic, Standard, Premium and Enterprise. Each subsequent edition delivers an increasing set of capabilities that enables organizations to expand at their own pace.

The Basic Edition of every Metrics Pack is always free and provides an initial set of metrics and scorecards. Organizations can easily expand beyond the free Basic Edition and subscribe to a broad range of additional scorecards delivered in the Standard Edition or the Premium Edition to start building internal benchmark assessments from the extensive nCircle Benchmark catalog.

nCircle Benchmark Metrics Pack for Vulnerability Management is now available to all nCircle Suite360, Qualys QualysGuard and Rapid7 NeXpose customers. The free Basic Edition includes scorecards and benchmarks for:

Average risk score per host

Average number of days since last vulnerability scan

Vulnerability distribution by platform

Vulnerability distribution by severity

All of these metrics can be presented by industry, company size, geography and assets under management. Internal metrics can be analyzed by an even wider range of criteria including risk profile, organizational structure and compliance requirements. Standard, Premium and Enterprise editions include many more metrics, scorecards and other benefits.

“The delivery of native support for Qualysguard and NeXpose is representative of the strategic importance we place on having broad-based representation of products and users in nCircle sponsored benchmark communities. nCircle Benchmark participants can be confident that all scorecards and metrics are independent, inclusive and trustworthy,” said Jim Acquaviva, Vice President of Product Strategy at nCircle. “We welcome all Qualys and Rapid7 users to participate in nCircle’s benchmark initiative.”

To get started, simply visit to create an account and select a Metrics Pack. Within minutes, customers can view metrics and scorecards of their security performance and compare results to a benchmark of their peers. For a complete view of available Metrics Packs, visit

For more information, please visit the website.

About nCircle

nCircle is the leading provider of automated security and compliance auditing solutions. More than 5,500 enterprises, government agencies and service providers around the world rely on nCircle's proactive solutions to manage and reduce security risk and achieve compliance on their networks. nCircle has won numerous awards for growth, innovation, customer satisfaction and technology leadership and has been ranked among the top 100 best places to work in the San Francisco Bay Area. nCircle is headquartered in San Francisco, CA, with regional offices throughout the United States and in London and Toronto. Additional information about nCircle is available at

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