Latest Security Technology Market Research Study From 451 ResearchLatest Security Technology Market Research Study From 451 Research

Information security 2013 budgets con­tinued a healthy multiyear run

March 11, 2014

1 Min Read


NEW YORK, March 10, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- TheInfoPro, a service of 451 Research, released its latest Information Security Study, indicating a strong budget for security projects in 2014. Conducted in late 2013, TheInfoPro study identifies key initiatives of senior security managers, including market factors and major players. This annual study is based on extensive live interviews with technology professionals and primary decision-makers at large and midsized enterprises in North America and Europe.

"The 2014 study continues to see security budgets rise for most, but also shows an outsized role for compliance in security," said Daniel Kennedy, TheInfoPro's Research Director for Information Security & Networking. "Thirty-eight percent

(38%) of enter­prises saw budget increases specifically to deal with compliance projects - the same percentage that reported the most common way for security projects to be initiated was compliance deciding they needed to be done."

Mr. Kennedy noted key trends from the TheInfoPro Information Security Study


-- Information security 2013 budgets con­tinued a healthy multiyear run.

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