ChosenSecurity Enhances On-Demand Digital Certificate Management ServicesChosenSecurity Enhances On-Demand Digital Certificate Management Services
TrustCenter Enterprise ID version 1.6 includes a new SOAP API for integration and the expansion to 22 supported certificate profile types
October 12, 2009

NEWTON, MA " Sept. 29, 2009 " ChosenSecurity today announced enhancements to its line of Web-based Enterprise ID digital certificate management products to make it easier for administrators to customize communication emails to their users, create more secure digital IDs through larger key sizes and easily perform key escrow. The enhancements also include a new SOAP API for integration and the expansion to 22 supported certificate profile types -- with the addition of TC Business ID for Adobe.
The enhancements, which are enabled by recently added functionality to ChosenSecurity's core Web-based technology platform, provide organizations of all sizes with increased flexibility and management capabilities.
Enhancements include the following:
Customizable email templates " PKI administrators can now customize auto-generated emails to better meet the needs of their organizations. For example, they can now add contact points and company names, control the number of emails going out, and turn on and off certificate notices via email.
Adobe certificates can now be issued from ChosenSecurity portal - TC Business ID for Adobe is now available within the portal, allowing customers to issue their own Adobe signing certificates. Adobe certificates are issued from an Adobe Root, which is inherently trusted in Adobe products and includes a TimeStamp service.
Organizations can define advanced key generation policies " Administrators can now require users to choose longer key lengths for enhanced security. In addition, they can determine if keys are exportable to other systems (from a user's desktop to notebook, for example) and determine where keys must be generated (PC, smartcard, token).
Addition of key escrow service " This new feature enables organizations to establish key escrow to recover encryption keys without the involvement of the end user. This enables organizations to decrypt documents without user participation in cases in which they are legally required to do so.
New availability of Microsoft AutoEnrollment for TC EID QuickStart and TC EID (Enterprise ID) " This optional add-on service seamlessly integrates with Microsoft's Active Directory and uses ChosenSecurity's Certificate Authority in the back end. Administrators of Active Directory can enable users and groups for AutoEnrollment per certificate template. Users simply log in and -- if the user account has been enabled for certificates -- AutoEnrollment will automatically install any certificates required. This provides a company with all of the integration benefits of Windows and Windows certificates without having to establish its own certificate authority. This new capability is available for current versions of Windows, including Vista and will shortly support Microsoft Version 7 (in testing).
SOAP API offered " Using the SOAP API, organizations can integrate ChosenSecurity's portal with their backend systems, such as HR and CRM.
"These enhancements enable our customers to better and more easily manage their digital certificates," said Bob Steinkrauss, president and CEO, ChosenSecurity, Inc. "Significantly, we have beefed up capabilities for customers of all sizes, enabling everyone from individuals to enterprises to implement and use digital certificates in a fraction of the time traditionally required."
Version 1.6 is available immediately.
TC ID Store
TC ID Store provides full lifecycle management of 22 different types of digital certificates for small- to medium-sized companies via an easy to use Web"based portal and on-demand business model. ChosenSecurity's unique platform enables organizations to utilize certificates without the need for additional dedicated hardware, software, personnel and their related costs. In less than a day, individuals can gain access to their own personal TC ID Store. Via the Web, users can request, approve and revoke certificates as well as suspend or unsuspend certificates. Pricing is by certificate. With TC ID store, small- to medium-sized organizations can issue individual certificates whenever they are needed.
TC EID QuickStart provides full lifecycle management of 22 different types of digital certificates via an easy to use Web"based portal and on-demand business model for medium to large organizations. ChosenSecurity's unique platform enables organizations to utilize certificates without the need for additional dedicated hardware, software, personnel and their related costs. Unlike TC ID Store, Quickstart is designed for larger organizations that wish to license and manage per user as opposed to managing and licensing by individual certificate.
For $1.75 or less per user per month, a 500-person organization can deploy robust PKI security for authentication, e-mail, and to digitally sign transactions with their partners. There are no hidden costs for hardware, software, personnel or ongoing audit fees -- and zero footprint on customers' sites. QuickStart can be deployed rapidly across multiple clients in a Web-based Security as a Service model, enabling enterprises of any size to create a working PKI in as little as two weeks, at an extremely low cost per user.
TC Enterprise ID provides full lifecycle functionality, customized certificate profiles, a customer-branded certificate authority and customized workflow with minimum effort for large organizations, supporting a broad range of applications and benefits from easily manageable functions like certificate issuance, revocation and renewal -- provided by the Web-based user interface. Neither administrators nor participants need additional software or time-consuming training to use this solution.
About ChosenSecurity, Inc. (
ChosenSecurity provides digital trust between employees, clients and suppliers doing business electronically through on-demand certificate management services. The company's solutions enable a wide range of digital trust applications to provide strong authentication, secure e-mail, digital signatures, data encryption and support compliance with privacy and other regulations. ChosenSecurity was the first to provide digital certificate management through a Software as a Service model and remains the leader through its breakthrough economics, versatility and implementation speed for enterprises. Unlike traditional PKI and private certificate authority options, ChosenSecurity solutions can be implemented in 70% less time and 70% less cost.
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