TrapX Announces the Release of DeceptionGrid™ Version 5TrapX Announces the Release of DeceptionGrid™ Version 5

Expanded Capability Reduces Time-to-Breach Detection

October 20, 2015

3 Min Read


SAN MATEO, CA — October 19, 2015 — TrapX™, a global leader in deception-based advanced cyber security defense, today announced that it has released DeceptionGrid version 5 for immediate shipment. Version 5 brings expanded forensic and analytics capabilities to help customers reduce the time-to-breach detection of attackers that have penetrated their networks.

New real-time automation in version 5 provides a comprehensive view of the attacker’s activities with detailed event forensics.  This expanded capability allows the entire attacker Kill Chain® to be analyzed and presented in a comprehensive timeline that provides a visual overlay of the attack -- from initial session connection through the point of infection.  These capabilities give the CISO and SOC teams one complete tool that not only captures live attack sessions via packet capture (PCAP), but also provides compressive visualization with both static and dynamic forensic analysis of the event.  In addition, the SOC team can now see the complete story of the unfolding attack, so they can act rapidly to stop the attacker and resume normal operations. 

DeceptionGrid version 5 continues to enhance SOC teams’ ability to conduct Dynamic Deception Operations (DDO) by providing fake “remote shell” environments for both Windows and Linux emulations.  DDO is a powerful module-based approach that employs offensive-defense measures to interdict attackers, stopping them from attacking real targets within the enterprise. 

“A key goal of version 5 is reducing the time to breach detection.  These attackers have penetrated all of your other cyber defenses.  They are inside your networks already,” said Greg Enriquez, CEO of TrapX Security.  “DeceptionGrid version 5 raises the bar and gives the security operations center all the information they need to quickly understand the complete story, break the attack and resume normal operations.  Our automation immediately delivers key information that might otherwise take days to weeks to clearly understand and discern.”

“The time to value for us with the product was immediate.  Simple to deploy, version 5 provided us the much-needed visibility to rapidly respond to security issues,” said Mark LaRosa, senior solutions architect at Interana.

Trademark Notice

TrapX Security™ and DeceptionGrid™ are trademarks of TrapX Security, Inc.

Kill Chain® is a registered trademark of Lockheed Martin

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About TrapX

TrapX Security is a leader in the delivery of advanced cyber security defense. Our deception-based solutions rapidly detect, analyze and defend against new zero day and APT attacks in real-time. DeceptionGrid™ provides automated, highly accurate insight into malware and malicious activity unseen by other types of cyber defense. We enable a pro-active security posture, fundamentally changing the economics of cyber defense by shifting the cost to the attacker. The TrapX Security customer base includes global 2000 commercial and government customers around the world in sectors including defense, healthcare, finance, energy, consumer products and other key industries. Learn more at

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