80% of Companies Unknowingly Send Spam80% of Companies Unknowingly Send Spam

Email traffic from individual organizations has over 80% of their sent mail sent from IP addresses outside of their domain

Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading

June 19, 2007

1 Min Read
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TORONTO -- News Facts:

  • BorderWare Technologies today announced that its real-time, multi-application reputation service, BorderWare Security Network (BSN), reported that email traffic from individual organizations has over 80% of their sent mail sent from IP addresses outside of their domain.

  • This means that legitimate organizations are being incorrectly being labeled as spammers causing emails to be blocked unbeknownst to them.

  • The BSN Portal tracks domain reputation in real time. Want to check your reputation? Enter your domain (ex. xxx.com) in the upper right corner of the screen.

  • BSN also features a Global Threat Map and a Threat Dashboard that shows where the worst threats are coming from and features ‘top 10 lists’ including the worst offenders and top spammers.

Background for BSN:

  • BSN works by conducting ongoing, real-time reputation analysis of the content sent from IPs, domains and users across multiple applications– email, web, IM and VoIP.

  • As BSN detects potentially compromised or infected traffic – based on more than 30 metrics established by BorderWare – individual domain or user behaviors are flagged, graded and rejected, ensuring that legitimate traffic can be sent and received without delay while compromised traffic is rejected.

  • Traditional reputation systems, focused primarily on email, simply base their reputation score on the traffic monitored from an IP address. However, many businesses and individuals today utilize service provider or hosted mail systems that share an IP address with many domains, which leads to an inaccurate assessment of their reputation.

  • BorderWare also provides “Google-style” Alerts for BSN, a new proactive notification system that lets visitors register their IP addresses on the site and be notified if any issues are found by BSN that cause concern.

BorderWare Technologies Inc.

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Dark Reading Staff

Dark Reading

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