8 Infosec Page-Turners for Days Spent Indoors8 Infosec Page-Turners for Days Spent Indoors
Stuck inside and looking for a new read? Check out these titles written by security practitioners and reporters across the industry.

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If you've been feeling a little restless these days, you're not alone. People around the world are spending more time indoors in an attempt to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus – and that means we all have some extra free time on our hands.
COVID-19 has transformed the way security practitioners live and work. Businesses have had to put continuity plans into action and encourage employees to begin working from home, even if they never previously supported a remote workforce. This transition, done to protect employee health, has also widened the attack surface and forced everyone to get used to a new normal.
Security pros aren't the only ones busier as the crisis surrounding coronavirus continues to spread. In recent weeks, security researchers have spotted an increasing number of malicious activities linked to COVID-19 as attackers capitalize on the virus. The risk is rising for businesses in all industries, especially those in law enforcement and healthcare, as attackers deploy phishing campaigns with virus-themed lures to get victims to click malicious attachments.
In times like these, it helps to unwind with a good read. Here, we've rounded up some recommendations for infosec books that have appeared on shelves in the past couple of years. This weekend, we suggest you use some of that downtime to dive into one of these reads.
Of course, we're always looking to add more titles to collections like these. If you have a favorite security book we didn't list, we welcome your recommendations in the Comments section, below.
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