The Best Way To Spend Your Security BudgetThe Best Way To Spend Your Security Budget
One SQL injection attack can bring in big bucks. It's a no-brainer that you should make this problem top priority

Everyone could use more security budget. There's always more to do. So you have to prioritize your spending. Where can you spend it most effectively? Should you be spending big money on mobile security? Probably not.
The only smart way to prioritize security spending is to do it where it will be the most effective. Mobile security threats are very real and present some really scary scenarios. No way should you blow it off. But the fact is that mobile threats, like Android malware and data exfiltration on BYOD devices, aren't what is causing the big problems and embarrassing headlines for companies.
What is causing those problems? You can find those causes here, in the OWASP Top 10 Project. OWASP is the Open Web Application Security Project, one of the most worthy organizations out there working genuinely to help IT and programmers to improve security. Its web site is a treasure trove of constructive advice for making your systems more secure.
Read the full article here.
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