Symantec: Future Clouds As Safe CloudsSymantec: Future Clouds As Safe Clouds

Symantec File Share Encryption was also announced to support safe extension into the cloud

November 7, 2012

7 Min Read


SANTA CLARA, Calif. – Cloud Expo 2012 - November 5, 2012 – Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq: SYMC) today announced its vision for safe, agile and efficient clouds. In five years, companies will operate in a converged IT world of cloud, virtualization and mobile computing where clouds are safe. IT organizations will have better visibility, control and compliance across their private and public clouds. To get there, Symantec extends its security, data storage and information management expertise to help companies transition to safe clouds of the future.

Today, the cloud landscape is rapidly changing. A survey conducted by Symantec will be published next week showing that between public, private and hybrid deployments, 23% of business information globally is being stored in the cloud.[1] Advanced cyber attacks by governments and crime syndicates will likely target highly profitable data centers and high profile clouds. In the face of these new challenges, organizations of all sizes will need a rigorous cloud approach and industry leading partners to help navigate through the cloud complexities. Symantec understands what companies need and will help them successfully migrate into safe clouds.

Click to Tweet: Symantec envisions future clouds will be Safe Clouds and lays out strategy to get there: #CloudExpo

"Symantec has proven solutions with industry leading technologies to protect companies, information and people," said Francis deSouza, group president, Enterprise Products and Services, Symantec. "Wherever companies go with clouds, Symantec will provide the protection and control they need across public and private cloud environments."

"Fujitsu and Symantec share a vision where cloud computing provides the competitive advantages, flexibility and protection our global customers need," said Cameron McNaught, senior vice president, Cloud and Strategic Solutions, Fujitsu International Business. "Fujitsu recently completed a global survey of cloud decision makers and found 76% of respondents had concerns about cloud security. Symantec and Fujitsu together recognize the current challenges that organizations face when pursuing cloud deployments and together can help them move to the cloud with confidence."

Symantec Vision for Safe Clouds

Explosion of many interconnected clouds, architectures and cloud-connected devices

The proliferation of cloud-based applications and services will continue to grow as information explodes across IT networks, public and private clouds, mobile devices and other connected endpoints. Companies are shifting to hybrid cloud environments operating in public and private clouds, either hosted on premise or off premise. The cloud complexities increase specifically around protection, data management and control.

Clouds of the future will be safe, agile and efficient

With safe clouds, companies will transition confidential customer and sensitive business information to the clouds. They will realize the full cloud benefits of increased security, data control and availability while users experience greater productivity and mobile-to-cloud accessibility. In contrast, clouds will deliver improved scalability, affordability and compliance as compared to traditional data centers.

Clouds will be the new norm

IT will build new clouds and infrastructures from the ground up. Important workloads will shift from on premise to off premise clouds. Companies will reap cloud benefits, cost savings and advanced protection as new business models, new use of technologies and new ways to interact with information become available. As cloud computing advances, a need arises for specialized skills, policies and architectures. Companies will experience new demands around IT risk and compliance, governance, data privacy and regulatory requirements.

Symantec's Role in the New Cloud

To achieve this safe clouds environment, the IT industry needs to enforce rigorous cloud strategies around the protection of policy, information, people and infrastructures. Symantec's comprehensive portfolio provides companies of all sizes a variety of cloud solutions to address their specific needs and current IT environments.

"Staying competitive and servicing our banking customers is a top priority for Citizens Business Bank," said Elsa Zavala, executive vice president and chief information officer, Citizens Business Bank. "We see cloud services as a major advantage for our business, associates, partners, and customers. Symantec provides the expertise, cloud training and integrated safe cloud solutions, leveraging our infrastructures, to deliver on our cloud strategies."

Symantec Cloud Solution Portfolios

Symantec breaks down cloud barriers by providing companies with three cloud solution models to best meet their business needs:

Businesses extend their IT to leverage third party clouds

Enterprises build their own clouds

Companies consume hosted cloud services by cloud service providers

Extend into Clouds Safely

For businesses extending their IT investments to private and public clouds for cloud applications, storage and virtualized environments, Symantec enables organizations to achieve increased protection, visibility and control of their information. This improved information management provides better insight and audit reporting to efficiently meet compliance and data privacy requirements.

New: Symantec File Share Encryption, Powered by PGP Technology, expected availability first half of 2013

Symantec O3 secure cloud access control point

Build Efficient and Available Private and Public Clouds

As Symantec envisions a future world of safe clouds, enterprises today seek the powerful combination of agility and efficiency, promised from cloud computing, with the visibility and control inherent to the data center. Leveraging enterprises current IT investments, Symantec helps organizations accelerate virtualization and build highly protected and compliant clouds for safe, available and resilient clouds.

New: Symantec Protection Engine for Cloud Service Providers

Virtual Business Services is a feature of Veritas Cluster Server to ensure multi-tier applications meet the increasing service levels IT organizations are required to deliver.

Consume Clouds Safely

Businesses of all sizes are increasingly migrating to hosted cloud service providers for the competitive advantages that enable them to avoid expensive and complicated IT build outs and to realize improved cost-savings, IT efficiencies, scalability and market agility. Symantec partners with businesses to achieve their cloud strategies and protect the information and people integral to their business, through our current integrated services:

New: Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition 2013 (available now in select countries) services including Email, Web and IM security, archiving and continuity

New Cloud Programs for Companies and Service Providers

As clouds become more complex, companies will need to expand their IT expertise in order to execute cloud policies and architectures. Symantec introduces two new cloud training programs.

New: Symantec Cloud Security Essentials Training Program

New: Symantec CloudSmart for Service Providers

For more information on the full line of new Symantec cloud-enabled solutions, services and programs, go to the Symantec Cloud website at:

Analyst Quote

Gartner Research

"The industry recognizes that protection and information management technologies found in traditional IT are accelerating cloud advancements. Companies are looking for secure private and public clouds that ensure their data and people are protected," according to David Mitchell Smith, vice president & Gartner Fellow at Gartner Research.

Read more detailed blog posts:

Vision for a Cloud-Centric World

Symantec Many Clouds, Safe Clouds, How to Get There

Symantec and Partners: Helping Businesses Achieve Safe Clouds

Symantec O3: Single Sign-on for Safe Clouds Adoption

Symantec Encryption for a Mobile World

Securing Cloud Storage: Balancing the Need to Share and Protect Data

Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition 2013, Threats Stop Business – We Stop Threats

Foundation of Clouds Built on Symantec SSL Security


Symantec Cloud Solutions Overview (PDF)

Press Kit: Symantec Cloud Vision

SlideShare: Symantec Envisions Future Clouds as Safe Clouds

Symantec Cloud Solutions Website

Video: Symantec Secures Clouds

Video: Symantec Keeps Clouds Available

Video: Symantec File Share Encryption Demo

Podcast: Symantec's Cloud Vision

Symantec Cloud Security Essentials Training

Symantec CloudSmart for Service Providers

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Symantec protects the world's information, and is a global leader in security, backup and availability solutions. Our innovative products and services protect people and information in any environment – from the smallest mobile device, to the enterprise data center, to cloud-based systems. Our world-renowned expertise in protecting data, identities and interactions gives our customers confidence in a connected world. More information is available at or by connecting with Symantec at:

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