Symantec Announces Availability Of Brightmail Gateway 8.0 Messaging Security PlatformSymantec Announces Availability Of Brightmail Gateway 8.0 Messaging Security Platform

Also rolls out Brightmail IQ Services, a free online resource intended to provide real-time insights into the latest spam trends, threats and senders

March 17, 2009

5 Min Read


CUPERTINO, Calif. " Mar. 17, 2009 " Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq: SYMC) today announced the availability of its latest enterprise messaging security platform, Symantec Brightmail Gateway 8.0, and with it also introduced Brightmail IQ Services, a free online resource intended to provide real-time insights into the latest spam trends, threats and senders. Together these offerings deliver the most effective and comprehensive approach to keeping aware of spam trends and staying ahead of their threats.

NEWS FACTS " Brightmail Gateway 8.0

Adaptive Reputation Management: Combines global reputation, self-learning local reputation and a new connection-class management approach that prioritizes email from reputable senders while starving spammers' resources at the connection level.

FastPass: Allows email from known good senders to bypass spam scans entirely, delivering legitimate email without delay while enhancing overall scalability and throughput.

Symantec Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Integration: Integration with Symantec DLP expands data loss prevention capabilities seamlessly across endpoint, network and storage systems. New enhancements simplify deployment and management while improving high availability and performance.

Expanded Support for Virtual Appliances: Brightmail Gateway 8.0 Virtual Edition allows customers to adaptively provision messaging security resources to respond to spam attacks and periodic threat waves while maximizing utilization of IT resources. Version 8.0 adds support for VMware ESXi, in addition to VMware ESX, as well as support for mixed physical and virtual deployments.

Adoption of Virtual Edition: Since Brightmail Gateway Virtual Edition was first announced in February 2008, customers have deployed more than 1,000 production virtual appliances.

Simplified Install & Administration: New wizards and automated installation and management features can reduce administration time by up to 70 percent.

Available Now: Brightmail Gateway 8.0 is now available directly from Symantec or through Symantec's worldwide network of value-added authorized resellers, distributors and systems integrators. Brightmail Gateway is also available as part of Symantec Multi-tier Protection. For more information, please visit

NEWS FACTS " Brightmail IQ Services Brightmail IQ Services is a free resource available to the public that combines information from the Symantec Global Intelligence Network with comprehensive analysis by Symantec Security Response and the Brightmail operations team to provide users with insights into trends around daily email and spam volumes and spam content types and categories.

Provides additional resources for users such as a sender IP address lookup, blog posts from the Brightmail operations team, and links to discussion forums and research reports including the monthly State of Spam Report. The March report was issued by Symantec today.

Now available for public use via the Spam tab on the Symantec Security Response Web page. The Brightmail IQ Services site can be found directly at

QUOTES "Leveraging Brightmail 8 Virtual Edition gives us the choice of quickly and incrementally scaling our messaging security infrastructure," said Conrad Maiorino, director of Network Services and Architecture at Six Flags, Inc. "Changes to our messaging security setup can happen without the hassle of making physical infrastructure configurations and we benefit further from the resource utilization benefits of virtualization."

"Our users rarely receive spam now," said Mark Feeney, Principal IT Systems Engineer at AMETEK Inc. "By blocking a million spam messages a day, Symantec is saving each of our 7,200 users a great deal of time each day that they'd otherwise spend sorting and deleting spam. It's a huge savings in productivity for a company of our size."

"Our hospitals send and receive one million emails each month and have more than 700,000 spam messages trying to penetrate our network every day," said Reinoud Reynders, IT manager of Infrastructure & Operations at University Hospitals Leuven. "With Symantec, we have been able to stop 98 percent of the spam. The new Adaptive Reputation Management approach is improving on our already high 186 percent ROI with this solution; it more efficiently leverages our IT resources by starving spammers at the connection level."

"Spam's insidious rise to 'normal' in the weeks following the McColo shutdown has shown us just how quickly spammers can adapt in the fight against spam," said Chirantan "CJ" Desai, vice president of Messaging Security at Symantec. "For our customers it has underscored the value of our new Adaptive Reputation Management system which allows them to simply place priority on email from reputable senders and not worry whether spam levels are at 70 or 95 percent."

About Symantec Symantec is a global leader in providing security, storage and systems management solutions to help consumers and organizations secure and manage their information-driven world. Our software and services protect against more risks at more points, more completely and efficiently, enabling confidence wherever information is used or stored. More information is available at

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