StrikeForce Technologies Announces GuardedID MobileStrikeForce Technologies Announces GuardedID Mobile

SDK enables Apple and Android developers to embed StrikeForce's Keystroke Encryption technology into their mobile applications

October 18, 2013

2 Min Read


Edison, NJ (September 24th, 2013) – StrikeForce Technologies, Inc. (SFOR.OB), a company that specializes in Cyber Security solutions for the prevention of Data Breaches and Cyber Theft, announced today GuardedID Mobile, a software developers kit (SDK), which enables Apple and Android mobile application developers to embed StrikeForce's Keystroke Encryption technology into their mobile applications.

"We are very excited about having the Apple and Android developer community build our one-of-a-kind Keystroke Encryption technology into their mobile applications," says Mark L. Kay, CEO of StrikeForce. "Keystroke Encryption is an extremely critical security technology, which plays a major role in preventing the most widespread malware from stealing confidential information from mobile devices. StrikeForce already has received a lot of interest for GuardedID Mobile in the financial, healthcare and telecommunications markets."

"The exponential rise and usage of mobile applications is almost immeasurable. However, it also comes at a tremendous cost, according to a recent Juniper Report; mobile malware has skyrocketed 614% from March 2012 thru March 2013, and it looks as if it's only going to continue beyond our imagination," says Kay. "That's why the timing of our GuardedID Mobile SDK announcement is so important to the security industry and our future. Additionally, this announcement comes on the heels of us receiving the official Notice of Allowance from the US Patent office that our Keystroke Encryption patent application has been approved."

"GuardedID for Windows has over six million downloads in addition to our new beta version for Mac users. We really look forward to working with the developer community because of the potential revenues it represents for StrikeForce in 2014," Kay continues. "There are hundreds of thousands of mobile application developers worldwide who should be interested in securing their critical applications, which could lead to many millions of users and licenses for GuardedID Mobile. StrikeForce is targeting GuardedID Mobile in the banking, healthcare and Government markets, in addition to mobile device manufactures and mobile carriers, who will all benefit by increasing their applications security and revenues. The potential for our new GuardedID Mobile SDK is basically unlimited.

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