SS8 BreachDetect Helps Uncover Breaches Without Forensics ExpertiseSS8 BreachDetect Helps Uncover Breaches Without Forensics Expertise

New timeline views of the cyber kill chain and simplified explanations complement severity-ranked threat detection.

February 27, 2017

3 Min Read


MILPITAS, Calif. -- SS8, the time machine for breach detection, today announced the latest version of BreachDetect which makes advanced threat detection and investigation capabilities easily accessible to enterprise security and IT administrators. A new timeline view of the cyber kill chain and severity-ranked alerts with easy-to-understand threat descriptions make breach detection even faster and easier for users without forensic investigation expertise.

In its recent 2016 Threat Rewind Report, SS8 reported that in all the network risk assessments it conducted last year it found evidence of traffic tunneling, DNS-related exfiltration and malformed protocols in outbound traffic. None of the organizations were aware at the time that their networks had been breached.  

"Every organization that has conducted a risk assessment with us was unaware of some anomalous activity taking place on their networks, primarily because attackers have developed evasion and exfiltration techniques that have outpaced current security measures," said Faizel Lakhani, president and COO of SS8. "This latest release of BreachDetect tilts the balance in favor of enterprises, by providing them with intelligence-agency grade tools to detect threats that don’t require security analyst training to use."

SS8 BreachDetect uses lightweight, gigabit software sensors to generate and store months, and even years, of enriched High-Definition Records (HDRs) from network communications. This application-centric HDR data is  sent to SS8’s Learning Analytics engine where it is enriched with user information and the latest threat intelligence, and continuously analyzed against past, current and future network activity to detect any previously unidentified breaches.

Streamlined Workflow Delivers Faster Answers

From within SS8 BreachDetect, security analysts can access an easy-to-use dashboard with color-coded Kanban-style threat tiles, which eliminates manual hunting by exposing activity that requires investigation. Each tile represents a device-of-interest with a "High," "Medium," or "Low" risk designation. User and threat behavior information is displayed in each tile to qualify the severity of the threat. This circumvents the need to sift through massive amounts of log data and threat intelligence to identify a device-of-interest.

Global Timeline Exposes Kill Chain

With the average breach going undetected for more than 200 days, it has become essential to understand the full lifecycle of an attack when investigating a threat - from reconnaissance to exfiltration. By clicking on a threat tile within SS8 BreachDetect, users gain an end-to-end, timeline-based view of the entire cyber kill chain for each device-of-interest. Activity is displayed on the timeline according to the stage of the cyber kill chain, including reconnaissance, delivery, exploitation, command and control, actions, and any other activity associated with the threat. 

Natural Language turns Admins into Analysts

Many mid-sized organizations lack the security expertise needed to hunt down and investigate today’s advanced threats. SS8 has further simplified security investigations by presenting, in simplified terms, how an attack took place, what subsequent exfiltration activity has occurred, and where to look to find the source and remediate the threat. From each event on the timeline, easy-to-understand explanations enable users that are not cyber security experts to chase down and mitigate breaches like a forensic investigator would.

SS8 BreachDetect is available as a subscription service based on the monthly average throughput of the network being analyzed and the desired number of months of retrospection. A free two-week Risk Assessment is available to identify  network anomalies and potential breaches.

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About SS8
SS8 is a time machine for breach detection. SS8 applies today’s knowledge to history to find breaches now that you didn’t know about before. By generating, storing and analyzing months, and even years, of enriched intelligence from all communications flows, SS8 customers benefit from unprecedented content- and context-aware insights that allows them to find the threats that matter most. SS8 is trusted by six of the world’s largest intelligence agencies, five of the 10 largest communications providers and two of the world’s largest critical infrastructure entities. Learn more at

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