Red Condor Software Update Targets Scams, Phishing, Image-based SpamRed Condor Software Update Targets Scams, Phishing, Image-based Spam

New proprietary filters focused on eliminating 'Nigerian 419' scams, phishing and image-based spam

May 11, 2010

3 Min Read


Rohnert Park, Calif. – April 29, 2010 – Red Condor, an award-winning provider of fully managed email security solutions, today released version 7.1 of its anti-spam software. The latest software updates, which power the company’s email security appliances and hosted spam filtering service, contain a new scam filter that targets phishing attacks and unique scams, including "Nigerian 419" campaigns; and a new image filtering technique that improves the accuracy of detecting image spam. The software also includes content filtering enhancements, a new grey listing feature, auditing controls, and enhanced customization options. The new version is automatically deployed to all customers using Red Condor’s hosted service and appliances.

“Email scams have been the bane of network administrators for years, are rapidly increasing in volume, and are getting more sophisticated and devious in intent,” said Dr. Thomas Steding, president and CEO of Red Condor. “As an email security provider, we have to be equally sophisticated and innovative in our approach to stopping them. Today’s threats are shorter, more frequent and more targeted, integrating multiple components that have proven capable of bypassing traditional security solutions, partly due to their utilization of trust metrics, such as white and black lists. Red Condor does not use trust metrics because they are built on unsecure, untrustworthy systems. The new layers of defense included in Release 7.1 strengthen our ability to prevent scams from reaching our customers’ in-boxes, eliminating the potential of a user actually falling for one and any of the intended catastrophic results.”

Key enhancements of version 7.1:

New Scam and Phishing Filter – Adds proprietary filtering techniques to identify messages typically described as "Nigerian 419" scams, in addition to a wide variety of other scams and phishing attacks. The robust algorithm can detect wrongdoing even when criminals exploit the trusted resources of others through the use of insecure web forms and compromised email accounts. Using highly optimized, real-time linguistic analysis methods, the algorithm is able to identify webmail spear phishing, loan and lottery scams, mystery shopper scams, and targeted scams such as the “stranded friend,” lawyer scams, dating scams and others.

New Image Spam Defense Layer –Image filtering enhancements allow Red Condor to create rules that match specific structural details of an image campaign, making them less likely to match images attached to legitimate messages.

As Red Condor outlined in its recent white paper, New Threat Reality, time-to-response is the new measurement for success. The new proactive technology implemented in version 7.1 enhances the speed of execution and depth of defenses, providing the quick response and accuracy Red Condor’s customers have to come expect.

Additional features of version 7.1:

Auditing - System Administrators can track changes made on the system by both administrators and end users through a new auditing report.

Content Filtering Enhancements – Help ensure data security and compliance with privacy laws, and improve outbound filtering with the use of Regular Expressions in a Word List. The enhancement includes pre-packaged definitions for credit card numbers and Social Security numbers that can be deployed as needed.

For more information on Red Condor version 7.1 or its anti-spam solutions, contact 1-888-966-7726 or visit

About Red Condor

Red Condor is revolutionizing spam fighting with its next generation technology. Red Condor’s highly accurate email filter, hybrid architecture Vx Technology™, and fully managed appliances lead to a dramatic reduction in the cost of owning a premium spam filter. With solutions for small businesses, as well as ISPs with millions of email inboxes, Red Condor has a cost-effective, timesaving solution that is rapidly gaining market share. The system’s design has built-in zero tolerance for lost email, and a near zero false positive rate while achieving long-term spam block rates greater than 99%. Red Condor Archive is a secure message archiving service with lifetime retention and unlimited storage. The company’s next-generation technology is backed by a 24x7 customer care center staffed by email security experts at Red Condor’s headquarters. For more information, visit

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