PhoneSheriff Allows Parents To Control Child Phone Activities And Track GPS LocationsPhoneSheriff Allows Parents To Control Child Phone Activities And Track GPS Locations

Parental control service works with iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows smartphones

April 26, 2011

3 Min Read


JACKSONVILLE, Fla., April 25, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Retina-X Studios, LLC announced today the current availability of PhoneSheriff for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows smartphones. This parental control service for mobile phones allows parents to easily monitor, filter, and restrict their children's smartphone. The parent sets the software to record and block activities associated with specific numbers and track locations via GPS.

PhoneSheriff is a stealth application which allows parents to see everything their children do while using a smartphone, such as every text message sent or received, every call dialed or received, as well as videos and pictures captured by the phone. Parents can view actions by logging into the hidden interface on the phone itself, or they can log in to a secure Web panel from any Web browser to view recorded logs and GPS locations.

Confirmed by a 2010 Pew Research survey, 54% of teens text daily. Teenage girls aged 14-17 years old average about 100 text messages per day. With the dangers of "sexting" and cyber bullying on the rise, parents are in a position where it is necessary to know if their children are using a device safely and wisely.

One Retina-X Studios customer, Dina Cambareri, had this to say about the company's mobile monitoring software, "I wonder what I ever did before this program. All her texts are here, I can see who she's calling, and where she goes. I know giving a phone to a 13 year old may be frowned upon, but I trust her. And with PhoneSheriff I can see my trust is well placed."

Often times, simply knowing about inappropriate phone use isn't enough. Parents also need the ability to correct any behavior that is out of line. The program can block phone numbers from contacting via SMS or phone calls. In addition, applications and websites can be filtered or restricted. Parents can also set a time schedule to allow or disallow use of the phone at certain times.

"In today's world, it is important for parents to have instant communication with their children. Often times, these young adults are not yet mature enough to handle this type of technology unsupervised. PhoneSheriff helps parents bridge the gap between technology and safety," states James Johns, CEO of Retina-X Studios.

PhoneSheriff also allows parents to send secret SMS commands to the monitored phone. This allows parents to track where their child is at any time using the Instant GPS Locate command. This feature also works as an anti-theft element, as parents can locate and monitor the phone even when the SIM card has been changed.

A one-year subscription to PhoneSheriff is priced at $49.97. This hybrid software and service supports Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Windows Mobile, and Symbian OS smartphones. For purchase and download information, visit or call 1-888-475-5345.

About Retina-X Studios: RXS designs and develops tools that let users monitor their individual PC, network or smartphone. Retina-X Studios products have been mentioned by Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Reader's Digest, PCWorld and other media outlets.

Media Contact: Craig Thompson at [email protected] or (888) 475-5345. Postal Inquiries: Retina-X Studios, LLC, 13453 N. Main St. Suite 201, Jacksonville, FL 32218. Media kit and review copies available upon request.

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