New "Aftercare" Service Provides Long-Term ID Repair To Victims Of ID TheftNew "Aftercare" Service Provides Long-Term ID Repair To Victims Of ID Theft

Debix will provide identity repair services at no additional charge

September 30, 2010

3 Min Read


Austin, TX, Sept 30, 2010 – Debix, the technology leader in the consumer and corporate identity protection market, today announced a new feature of OnCall™ Credit Monitoring called AfterCare™. AfterCare addresses the consumer and regulatory concern that data breaches create a lifetime identity theft risk for consumers, and one or two years of credit monitoring after a breach is insufficient.

AfterCare meets this need by providing long-term identity repair services to consumers at no extra cost to them or to the breached organization. Now, if a consumer becomes a victim of identity theft after their credit monitoring service has expired, Debix will provide identity repair services at no additional charge. With this innovative new feature, Debix closes the gap between the risk and protection periods for data breach victims.

“We constantly hear this concern from our customers. While they appreciate the 1-2 years of credit monitoring protection, they understand their identity is at risk for a much longer period of time,” said Debix CEO Bo Holland. “AfterCare closes the gap by providing long-term identity repair and peace of mind at no extra cost.”

With the launch of AfterCare, Debix is helping organizations and brands counteract negative impacts to their reputation and bottom line, while protecting consumers from the long-term risk of identity theft.

In August 2010, Debix customer surveys revealed that over three quarters of consumers remember the company or organization associated with their breached data. In addition, 68% responded that more could have been done to remediate the breach, including a longer period of identity theft protection. Of consumers surveyed, 91% said they would enroll in long-term free identity repair services offered after ending the complimentary, full identity protection service.

Research from the Ponemon Institute, a privacy and data research think tank, shows that data breaches create “trust slippage” for brands. “AfterCare will be psychologically comforting to consumers affected by a data breach. I imagine that organizations and brands will be able to measure the improvement of trust that AfterCare creates after a security incident,” says founder Dr. Larry Ponemon.

In addition to consumer concerns, organizations and brands that experience a data breach often endure brand tarnish and customer turnover as a result of the incident, which can have a huge financial impact. According to the Ponemon 2009 Annual Study: Cost of a Data Breach report, the average cost of a data breach to US organizations is $204 per record lost, which includes the cost of activities intended to prevent loss of a consumer or consumer trust. Over 70% ($144) of the $204 pertains to abnormal customer turnover, or “churn” of existing and future customers.

About Debix

Debix Inc. is the technology leader in the consumer and corporate identity protection market. OnCall™ Credit Monitoring, the proprietary mobile voice application developed by Debix, makes identity protection simple and actionable for consumers, and 9 out of 10 privacy experts prefer Debix over ordinary credit monitoring. To date, Debix has protected over 800,000 consumers. WWW.DEBIX.COM 823 CONGRE SS AVENUE, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701 888.332.4963

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