IEEE Computer Society 2013 TechLeader Classes UnveiledIEEE Computer Society 2013 TechLeader Classes Unveiled

Initial lineup of courses will cover cloud computing, embedded computing, and parallel processing and multicore

January 26, 2013

3 Min Read


LOS ALAMITOS, Calif., -- IEEE Computer Society, the community for technology leaders, is introducing a new roster of professional development courses in 2013 to help computing professionals stay up to date with the latest technologies.

The TechLeader OnCourse professional development courses will feature industry leaders and in-depth practical information that employees can apply directly to their current projects and jobs. The introductory slate of TechLeader classes will be offered in two-day and three-day formats in the IEEE Computer Society's learning centers in Washington, DC, and Southern California, as well as online.

"With a growing collection of education and training products, IEEE Computer Society is committed to helping those in the computing field stay current and master new technologies," said John Keppler , IEEE Computer Society manager of certification and professional education programs. "The TechLeader OnCourse workshops and classes provide students with an effective and cost-effective opportunity for in-depth training from industry-leading instructors."

The initial lineup of courses will cover cloud computing, embedded computing, and parallel processing and multicore. Those who register by February 15 will be entered to win an iPad mini. To register, visit

The three-day Cloud Computing for Essentials, Governance, Security, and Migration for the Business Manager workshop will be held from 19-21 March in Southern California. Taught by Don Shafer , CTO of the Athens Group, it will cover cloud economics, security, regulation, governance, metrics and migration.

The three-day Parallel Processing Multicore Software Strategies course will be held 26-28 March in Washington, DC. Taught by high-performance computing expert Joe Hummel , it will begin with an introduction to dual-core IA programming, and cover compiler switches, Math Kernel Library (MKL), thread checkers, profilers, Windows, Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), Open MP, virtualization, and multicore software architecture and debugging. Migration case studies, threaded programming methodologies, and scalability of threaded applications will also be discussed.

The two-day Embedded Systems Methods and Technologies, scheduled from 13-14 March in Washington, DC. Taught by Rob Oshana, the course will provide an overview of basic principles of writing software for embedded systems, in particular real-time operating systems. The course will also discuss design considerations and the embedded systems development cycle.

For more information about TechLeader OnCourse, visit Group discounts and custom on-site presentations are available for groups of three or more. Call +866 681-7613 or email [email protected] for details.

About IEEE Computer Society

The IEEE Computer Society is the world's leading computing membership organization and the trusted information and career-development source for a global workforce of technology leaders including: professors, researchers, software engineers, IT professionals, employers, and students. The unmatched source for technology information, inspiration, and collaboration, IEEE Computer Society is the source that computing professionals trust to provide high-quality, state-of-the-art information on an on-demand basis. The Computer Society provides a wide range of forums for top minds to come together, including technical conferences, publications, and a comprehensive digital library, unique training webinars, professional training, and a TechLeader Training Partner Program to help organizations increase their staff's technical knowledge and expertise. To find out more about the community for technology leaders, visit

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