House Bill to Help Small Businesses Facing Cybersecurity RisksHouse Bill to Help Small Businesses Facing Cybersecurity Risks
House Bill to Help Small Businesses Facing Cybersecurity Risks
May 2, 2017
WASHINGTON – ITI, the global voice of the tech sector, released the following statement from Senior Vice President for Government Affairs Andy Halataei endorsing H.R. 2105, the NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Act of 2017, being considered today by the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology:
“Cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and this legislation extends a helping hand for small businesses that often don’t have the resources they need to successfully address challenging cybersecurity risks,” Halataei said. “By coordinating cyber resources and tools offered by federal agencies to help small businesses manage their cybersecurity, entrepreneurs can spend more time focusing on expanding their businesses and helping our economy grow. We thank the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee for acting to approve this legislation and urge Congress to pass it into law."
ITI has been a strong proponent of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, advocating for cybersecurity policies that are voluntary; adaptable to rapidly emerging threats, technologies, and business models; based on effective risk management; technology-neutral; and leverage public-private partnerships. In March, ITI endorsed similar legislation, the MAIN STREET Cybersecurity Act, passed by the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee on April 5th. The NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Act was introduced by Reps. Daniel Webster (R-Fl.), Daniel Lipinski (D-Ill.), Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), Barbara Comstock (R-Va.), Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.), Randy Hultgren (R-Ill.), Stephen Knight (R-Ca.), Darin LaHood (R-Ill.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), and Bill Posey (R-Fl.).
About ITI. ITI is the global voice of the tech sector. We advocate for public policies that advance innovation, open markets, and enable the transformational economic, societal, and commercial opportunities our companies are creating. Our membership includes the entire spectrum of technology companies ranging from internet companies to manufacturers of hardware and networking equipment to software developers. Our diverse membership and expert staff allows ITI to provide a broad perspective on the implications and opportunities of policy activities around the world. Visit to learn more. Follow us on Twitter for the latest ITI news @ITI_TechTweets.
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