DeTron Unveils QDK EncryptionDeTron Unveils QDK Encryption
QDK establishes public key encryption directly between the sender and receiver certifying the user's identity
October 6, 2012
SAN FRANCISCO, USA -- (September 27, 2012) -- DeTron Inc., today announced the availability of QDK (Quantum Direct Key), a true innovation in personal trusted identity technology and the first to meet the evolving global demands for cloud-based applications and services. Built with a proprietary algorithm, QDK satisfies all the key elements necessary to protect and empower the individual in a world dominated by cyber-activity: privacy, security, interoperability and ease of use.
QDK is a highly advanced yet efficient, cost-effective and best of all, virtually unbreakable technology. Unlike Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) which requires a third-party to process and issue a security certificate from an independent database, QDK establishes an Encryption Public Key directly between the sender and recipient, certifying the individual's unique identity. Because the system requires only the sender and recipient, it simplifies and strengthens the exchange of information.
QDK functions by generating a pair of public and private keys from two public and secret seed matrices Mp (public) and Ms (secret). The KMC (Key Management Center) is the only owner of Ms and it is always offline. The private key is generated by the KMC from the user's ID:
The public key is generated by any user using known ID:
Mp and the key generation mapping gp(.) are distributed to the user after encryption.
"QDK is the first technology capable of solving the secured cloud identity problem," said Steve Chao, Chief Extraction Architect of DeTron. "As the White House announced last year, the potential for fraud and the weakness of privacy protections found in current online solutions involving user names and passwords preclude better alternatives. If we are going to reach the next level of trust as a society in cyberspace, we must establish a reliable trusted identity solution. QDK is that answer."
The uses for QDK are manifold and will positively impact the entire spectrum of online and digital applications. Cloud-based healthcare and financial records, more secure e-mail, identity-based
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DeTron Inc. Introduces QDK Technology, Enabling True Personal Trusted Identity For Cloud Era--Page 2
cryptography for client side security in Web applications, and public key encryption and signature generation in Web browsers, are just some of the uses. QDK will even support Code Signing--the process of enabling software developers to digitally "sign" applications to confirm authorship and guarantee that code has not been subsequently altered.
To facilitate the acceptance and use of QDK encryption for e-commerce, DeTron Inc. has developed a special device to host a QDK chip. The device will allow users to quickly and securely complete purchases of digital goods and/or services such as music downloads. As an enabler of such
transactions, QDK will outperform DRM (Digital Rights Management) protection for copyrighted material or other forms of digitized intellectual property.
In April 2011, the Obama administration unveiled its "National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace". The initiative's goal is to establish a framework whereby private-sector companies and organizations would join to create, test, verify and distribute a voluntary "single credential" solution for Americans. The credential, suitable for deployment on a smartphone, smart card or token, would eliminate the need to remember multiple passwords. Individuals would be able to use the credential to accomplish a host of activities, from banking, shopping, and electronic health record access, to other uses such as browsing the Web with anonymity when desired.
About DeTron:
DeTron Inc. is a leader in global solutions that protect sensitive personal information on wireless devices. The company designs, manufactures and markets integrated hardware and software that delivers secure access to email, phone, text messaging (SMS and MMS), Internet, and mobile applications. Supporting all major wireless network standards, DeTron also partners with third-party developers and manufacturers to create products and services offering assured secure wireless connectivity. Founded in 2012 and based in San Francisco, California USA, DeTron has offices in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Visit DeTron at
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