Advisory: CSRF Flaw Found In Novell GroupWise Allows E-Mail TheftAdvisory: CSRF Flaw Found In Novell GroupWise Allows E-Mail Theft

Any HTTP request can be successfully forged, which means that any configuration settings can be changed on behalf of the victim user by tricking him

January 31, 2009

2 Min Read


Advisory publicly released: Friday, January 30, 2009 Vulnerability found: Friday, October 3, 2008 Vendor informed: Friday, October 3, 2008 Severity level: Critical Credits Adrian Pastor of ProCheckUp Ltd ( ProCheckUp thanks Novell for working with us in such a professional manner. Description Novell WebAccess is vulnerable to CSRF.

Any HTTP request can be successfully forged which means that any configuration settings can be changed on behalf of the victim user by tricking him to either:

- visit a page - click on a link - view the content of an email (HTML body or attachment)

Perhaps, the most interesting CSRF attack that can be carried out is installing a persistent backdoor which forwards received emails to the attacker. By forging the requests that adds a new forwarding rule, a copy of any email sent to the victim user will be sent to the attacker's inbox.

All the attacker needs to do is email the victim with a malicious link and trick him to click on it. Alternatively, the CSRF attack can be triggered by simply viewing an email sent by the attacker.

Proof of concept As kindly requested by Novell, ProCheckUp will delay publication of the PoC details to allow GroupWise customers time to apply the recommended security patches. How to fix Sucessfully tested on Novell GroupWise WebAcess 7.0.3

Novell has confirmed the following versions to be affected by this vulnerability:

GroupWise 6.5x GroupWise 7.0, 7.01, 7.02x, 7.03 GroupWise 8.0 (shipping 8.0 release only)

CVE reference CVE-2009-0272 Consequences Attackers can steal emails, deface email signatures, etc ... References

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