Cybersecurity In-Depth: Feature articles on security strategy, latest trends, and people to know.

51% of Edge Readers Plan to Pursue New Cybersecurity Certification in 202151% of Edge Readers Plan to Pursue New Cybersecurity Certification in 2021

Demands of the "new normal" won't stop the majority of poll-takers from mastering new skills.

Edge Editors, Dark Reading

December 10, 2020

1 Min Read
(Image: <a href="" target="new">blackboard</a> via Adobe Stock)

Hot off the CMS! The Edge's newest Flash Poll is up and awaiting your input.

Of course, the introduction of a new poll means the closeout of the one before it. Based on the popularity of our recent article featuring the newest and hottest cybersecurity, that poll asked about your 2021 plans for furthering your know-how. Here's what you told us:


What's on your mind? Do you have any ideas for a poll you'd like to see? Let us know: [email protected].

About the Author

Edge Editors

Dark Reading

The Edge is Dark Reading's home for features, threat data and in-depth perspectives on cybersecurity.

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