JASK Integrates with Cisco Security Portfolio, Joins Cisco Security Technical AllianceJASK Integrates with Cisco Security Portfolio, Joins Cisco Security Technical Alliance

JASK’s cloud-native SIEM now integrates with Cisco ASA, Umbrella and AMP4EP.

August 21, 2019

2 Min Read


Austin, Texas – August 21, 2019 – JASK, the provider of the industry’s first cloud-native SIEM platform, today announced that it joined the Cisco Security Technical Alliance (CSTA) partner ecosystem, a grouping of security leaders that facilitates open, multi-vendor product integrations to improve security effectiveness through automation and operational simplicity. Through the partnership, the companies have integrated JASK’s cloud-native SIEM platform with several Cisco products, including its Cisco ASA next-generation firewalls, Cisco Advanced Malware Protection for Endpoints (AMP4EP) and Cisco Umbrella cloud security offerings.

The JASK Autonomous Security Operations Center (ASOC) platform bolsters the abilities of security operations center analysts by leveraging automation to correlate and analyze threat alert data and automatically provide prioritized threat information – removing the need for manual investigations into the plethora of security alerts organizations receive daily. By combining JASK ASOC with Cisco’s product portfolio, joint customers receive unprecedented context into how they’re being targeted by hackers and can more quickly respond to, and mitigate, advanced attacks.

“Cisco is a pivotal strategic partner for JASK, and we look forward to working together to drive the next generation of security operations,” said Greg Martin, co-founder & CEO of JASK. “By bolstering the JASK ASOC platform’s data ingestion with Cisco’s product line, joint customers are able to automate the tedious tasks of yesterday’s SOC technologies to drive more value from their products and prevent emerging threats from compromising their organizations.”

The integrations between Cisco and JASK give customers a single source for visibility into enterprise data and assets. Cisco recently released a blog post highlighting its new security integrations and wrote about JASK: “The JASK ASOC platform seamlessly ingests logs and alerts from Cisco AMP4EP. With this out-of-the-box integration, mutual customers enjoy better context of the endpoint alerts created by AMP4EP. As a SIEM, JASK correlates this data with all other data-sources in the SOC – network, logs, IAM, Threat Intel feeds and more. JASK then automates the triage process by creating Insights – correlated, aggregated, prioritized group of alerts – serving as a real call-for-action for the SOC analyst. This is all done in a cloud-native environment that allows infinite scalability.”

In addition to Cisco AMP4EP, Cisco products including Cisco ASA next-generation firewalls and Cisco Umbrella cloud security offerings have also been integrated with JASK, presenting similar functionality.

The JASK ASOC platform is powered by JASK’s Adaptive Signal Clustering (ASC) engine which uses proprietary algorithms with heuristics to automatically perform the alert triage work of a SOC analyst. The ASC engine normalizes all attack data, alerts and anomalies into JASK Signals, clusters them together into JASK Insights, and applies pattern matching for known threats and identifies threats they’ve never seen before.

For more information on how JASK is modernizing security operations, please visitwww.jask.com.

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