Data Encryption In The Cloud: Square Pegs In Round Holes

Conventional encryption is a surefire solution for protecting sensitive data -- except when it breaks cloud applications. “Format-preserving” encryption could change all that.

Thomas Ristenpart, Asst. Professor, Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin

May 21, 2015

5 Min Read

Faced with the security concerns of storing sensitive data in the cloud, many organizations’ first response is, “let’s encrypt everything.” Encryption can be necessary to satisfy data residency regulatory requirements and can help prevent disclosure of data for a blind subpoena. Even more important, for enterprises, encryption can provide peace of mind in the event of a data breach. The bad news is that traditional encryption techniques can also pose limitations to the functionality of cloud applications. I call this the “Square-Pegs-Round-Holes” problem.

The client-side encryption challenge: structured data
Existing cloud data APIs most often expect data to come in certain formats. As an example, credit cards are 16-digit strings. These are the round holes of provider APIs. Data encrypted under conventional schemes ends up random, unformatted bit strings; the square pegs of our analogy. The result is that using conventional encryption means we have encrypted data that simply can’t replace plaintext data in requests made to the cloud. As any toddler knows, square pegs just don’t fit into round holes.

But actually the situation is quite a bit worse than all that, as every type of sensitive data comes with its own format. Not only do credit card numbers have to be 16-digit strings, but salaries must be positive integer numbers, emails must be alphanumeric strings with an ‘@’ character, a domain name, and a TLD like ‘.com’, and so much more. So it’s not just that square pegs must fit into round holes, but also stars, triangles, pentagons, rhombuses, and so on.

Even if we solve this issue for one target format — say credit card numbers — this most often won’t help us figure out how to fit ciphertexts into any of the hundreds of other formats we might encounter. And from engineers at leading security companies, I hear about them regularly having to handle new formats when working with their customers.

Flipping the problem around
This is where a line of research I’ve been pursuing, together with a number of fantastic colleagues, comes in. Back in 2009, we flipped the problem around. Forget about square pegs, and change encryption to be a primitive that allows easy specification of the target format — the ciphertexts produced by encryption should come out already formatted in the right “shape.” We called this “format-preserving encryption” (FPE), a name first coined by Terence Spies of HP (formerly Voltage Security).

Indeed, Terence and others already had identified this problem and even had ideas about how one might build FPE. We worked out some schemes, did some theoretical analyses of their security, and eventually some work by my co-authors and Terence led to the widely used FFX mode that handles a pretty wide range of formats such as credit card numbers, small integers, and more. But it doesn’t handle all formats. For example, using FFX to encrypt email addresses in a way that passes the checks mentioned above would be complex and error-prone.

A big insight in that original 2009 paper was that, in principle, one could build FPE schemes that themselves expose a simple way of specifying expressive formats. In practice, a regular expression would be a convenient way of defining a format. For example, [a-z0-9]*@[a-z0-9]*.[com|edu|net] would express a format handling many kinds of email addresses.

But at that point we seemed to hit a stumbling block: the most natural way of building FPE schemes that accept a regular expression as format description is in general inefficient. Strikingly inefficient, in fact, being that it requires an algorithm for efficiently ranking the language defined by a regular expression, which is known to be very difficult. In a sequence of works we developed a number of improvements that make FPE work efficiently for regular expressions, as well as context-free grammars. The cryptographic strength of these schemes arises from their use of FFX (or equally secure variants), which is used within them.

We also built more general algorithms, realizing what we call “format-transforming encryption” (FTE). With FPE the plaintext is, itself, formatted as the ciphertext should be, but with FTE it could be that the input and output formats are different.

Making it easy for users
In the end, the resulting encryption algorithms are not only secure, but solve the key usability issues of making it easy to specify a “peg size.” Innovative security vendors offer the ability to specify regular expressions to allow fast prototyping of formats at customer sites, and to greatly decrease the cost of developing new encryption engines. In most encryption products for structured data, each different type of field needs its own encryption engine. This is time-consuming, complex, and error-prone. With FPE, the process of creating a new encryption engine is as simple as picking a regular expression, which describes the field. Thus, creating a new encryption engine is something that any developer can do seamlessly. This allows them to quickly adapt to the particulars of different cloud services.

FTE and FPE with easy-to-program “pegs” are of interest beyond their use by security companies, or even beyond encryption for cloud services. For example, we’ve shown how FTE schemes supporting regular expressions are useful in helping combat Internet censorship. The idea is to encrypt network packets so that the resulting ciphertexts match against the regular-expression-based filters used by censors to identify protocols they whitelist as benign (e.g., plaintext HTTP). In fact, an implementation of FTE for regular expressions by Kevin Dyer is deployed with Tor (a tool frequently used to avoid censorship).

It’s gratifying to see emerging security technologies bring these types of academic breakthroughs to the cloud security market. The intention is that with more functional encryption capabilities, companies will be able to enable cloud services for a wider range of use cases.

About the Author(s)

Thomas Ristenpart

Asst. Professor, Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin

Thomas Ristenpart is on the Skyhigh Networks Cryptography Advisory Board and is a professor in the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin. His research spans a wide range of computer security topics, most recently focusing on new threats to, and opportunities for, cloud computing security, as well as topics in applied and theoretical cryptography. His work has been featured in the New York Times, MIT Technology Review, ABC News, U.S. News and World Report, and elsewhere. He completed his PhD at UC San Diego in 2010, received the UC San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Department Dissertation Award in 2011, an NSF CAREER Award in 2013, Best Paper Award at USENIX Security 2014, and is a co-PI for the ongoing NSF Frontier Project called Silver focusing on cloud security topics.

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