7 Biggest Cloud Security Blind Spots

Cloud computing boon is for innovation, yet security organizations find themselves running into obstacles.

Cloud computing is evolving from a viable option for delivering IT services to the de facto standard. According to the "2019 Public Cloud Trends" report, from the Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), the use of infrastructure-as-a-service environments has shot up in the past eight years, from 17% of organizations to 58%, and a full 39% of organizations report they take a cloud-first mentality to all of their technology deployments.

It's a boon for innovation, for sure, but security organizations continue to struggle keeping up with the constant changes in cloud technology, architecture, and use cases. Many of the biggest challenges they face have to do with visibility. In a recent report from the Cloud Security Alliance, three-quarters of companies with assets in the public cloud cited lack of visibility as a major challenge.

Here are some of the biggest cloud security blind spots that cause these visibility woes.

Cloud computing is evolving from being

a viable option for delivering IT services to being the

de facto standard. According to research from the Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG)

2019 Public

Cloud Trends

report, the use of infrastructure






service environments has shot up in the last

eight years from 17% of organizations to 58% and a full 39% of o

rganizations report that they

take a cloud


first mentality to all of their technology deployments. It's a boon for innovation, but

security organizations continue to struggle keeping up with the constant changes in cloud

technology, architecture, and use c

ases. Many of the biggest challenges they face have to do with

visibility. One

recent report

from Cloud Security Alliance shows that more than three


quarters of


with assets in public cloud named lack of visibility as a major challenge. Here are

some of the biggest cloud security blind spots that cause these visibility wo

Cloud computing is evolving from being

a viable option for delivering IT services to being the

de facto standard. According to research from the Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG)

2019 Public

Cloud Trends

report, the use of infrastructure






service environments has shot up in the last

eight years from 17% of organizations to 58% and a full 39% of o

rganizations report that they

take a cloud


first mentality to all of their technology deployments. It's a boon for innovation, but

security organizations continue to struggle keeping up with the constant changes in cloud

technology, architecture, and use c

ases. Many of the biggest challenges they face have to do with

visibility. One

recent report

from Cloud Security Alliance shows that more than three


quarters of


with assets in public cloud named lack of visibility as a major challenge. Here are

some of the biggest cloud security blind spots that cause these visibility wo

About the Author

Ericka Chickowski, Contributing Writer

Ericka Chickowski specializes in coverage of information technology and business innovation. She has focused on information security for the better part of a decade and regularly writes about the security industry as a contributor to Dark Reading.

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